Catalog of chromosome aberrations in cancer


Catalog of chromosome aberrations in cancer

Felix Mitelman

Wiley-Liss, c1991

4th ed

  • [v. 1]
  • [v. 2]

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 14



[v. 1] Chromosomes 1-12. [v. 2] Chromosomes 13-22, X,Y References

Includes bibliographical references


  • 1. Chromosomes 1-12
  • 2. Chromosomes 13-22, X, Y, References



This is a sourcebook on the chromosome changes that have been reported in cases of human neoplastic disorder. Presented in two volumes, this extensive work features the same systematic and uniform presentation that characterized earlier editions, but now incorporates material that has been gathered in the last two years, which represents a substantial increase for the material in the catalogue. In addition to the inclusion of new material, existing entries in the text have been revised on the latest research evidence. For each entry, the catalogue provides karyotypes, the breakpoints of structural changes, the morphological classification of the neoplastic condition, tumour site whenever appropriate and references.


  • Data Base of Cancer Cytogenetics: An Overview
  • Contents of Chromosome Entries
  • Chromosomes 1-22
  • X Chromosome
  • Y Chromosome
  • Homogeneously Staining Regions (hsr)
  • Double Minute Chromosomes (dmin)
  • Ring Chromosomes (r)
  • References.

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