The groupwork pack : a groupwork approach to problem-solving and change


    • Taylor, Alan
    • Kemp, Tim


The groupwork pack : a groupwork approach to problem-solving and change

developed and written by Tim Kemp and Alan Taylor

Longman, 1990

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 2




This book will be of interest to youth and social workers and to employment training staff, plus some teachers involved in social education. The book is divided into three parts. The first part contains activities which will help introduce the user to the pack, and the following section contains several group development and problem-solving activities. The final part provides participants with the means to review their experiences.


  • Leaders' notes - change, a process for change, problem-solving, learning and change, personal change, groupwork and change, leading groups, identifying your own leadership style, co-leading, group process, group membership, preparation, ending groups
  • how to use this manual - groupwork programme
  • area - pre-group work
  • activity - the interview, why work in groups?, contracting with yourself.

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