EEC directives on company law and financial markets


EEC directives on company law and financial markets

edited by D.D. Prentice

(Clarendon paperbacks)

Clarendon Press, 1991

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 44




In answering complex questions concerning company law and financial services law, practising and academic lawyers are frequently faced with the need to consult source materials which augment and underpin UK statutes but which are not necessarily incorporated in them. Thus, although the EEC directives of company law and financial services law do not have the force of law, they play a significant part in the interpretation of statutes now in force in the UK. The directives are here conveniently grouped together in one volume to facilitate study. This will save the busy practitioner or scholar having to search through multiple volumes of the "Official Journal" in which these directives have previously appeared.


  • Community laws - treaty provisions
  • company law
  • financial markets
  • European economic interest groupring.

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