Economy and society : European industrialisation and its social consequences : essays presented to Sidney Pollard


Economy and society : European industrialisation and its social consequences : essays presented to Sidney Pollard

edited by Colin Holmes and Alan Booth

Leicester University Press, 1991

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 34



Sidney Pollard's publications: p. [198]-204

Includes bibliographical references

Includes index



This is a detailed exploration of important features - including causes - of the rapid economic growth in Europe in the 19th and 20th centuries, followed by a number of reflective essays on the theme of the social consequences of that great change. In both sections the essays embrace development all over western and central Europe, and the whole book should inform and interest a wide audience from undergraduate level up.


  • Part 1 Introduction, Colin Holmes and Alan Booth. Part 2 Industrialization: economic growth in Europe, D.Landes
  • economic backwardness in Europe, A.Teichova
  • entrepreneurs in Britain, M.Kirby
  • instability in inter-war Europe, D.Aldcroft
  • the Irish economy, P.Ollerenshaw
  • the Spanish economy, J.Harrison
  • the world economy, J.Kuczynski. Part 3 Social consequences: wages, 1870-1914, C.Feinstein
  • women and industrialization, J.Savile
  • labour in 19th century Germany, J.Kocka
  • urban design and architecture, A.Sutcliffe
  • urbanization in Franch, H.Homburg
  • urbanization in Germany, M.Wehler.

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