The changing Soviet Union in the new Europe


The changing Soviet Union in the new Europe

edited by Jyrki Iivonen

(Studies of communism in transition)

E. Elgar, c1991

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 14



Includes index



This thoroughly documented book sheds new light on the changes in the relationship between the Soviet Union and Europe. As the post-war division of Europe is ending, it is particularly timely to examine the new directions in Soviet foreign policy as well as the practical implications of the changes for the common European home. International scholars from five European countries - the Soviet Union, Hungary, Germany, Great Britain and Finland - discuss general changes in Soviet-European relations as well as the major priorities of Soviet foreign policy. Special attention is paid to the changes in Soviet military doctrines, including the question of regional military arrangements and the conversion of military production to peaceful purposes. In conclusion, the book examines the question of regional economic co-operation as well as recent developments in the Baltic republics and in Germany.

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