International business and the management of change : Euro-Asian perspectives


International business and the management of change : Euro-Asian perspectives

edited by Malcolm Trevor

(Avebury business school library)

Avebury, c1991

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 39



Reprint of 1993 lacks series statement



In this book Malcolm Trevor discusses the changes taking place in such industries as automobile manufacturing and information technology and how the players are trying to gain the edge in global competition. This applies both to production and marketing and to the management of overseas staff - eg Japanese management of European and American local staff. International comparisons of the management of human resources, technology and labour relations show how firms of different nationalities and in different countries are trying to solve the problems brought about by the profoundly changing business environment and the increasingly global nature of competition that it brings. The book concludes that companies that do not think globally and do not move with the times, either in terms of their business strategies or their management of overseas personnel, will be left behind in the global competitive struggle.


  • The globalization of competition
  • the management of overseas staff
  • the management of change
  • the international comparison.

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