
Thorax and neck

[edited by] Albert A. Moss, Gordon Gamsu, Harry K. Genant

(Computed tomography of the body with magnetic resonance imaging / Albert A. Moss, Gordon Gamsu, Harry K. Genant, v. 1)

Saunders, c1992

2nd ed

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 15



Includes bibliographical references and index



Critically acclaimed best seller on CT scanning techniques is now completely updated and expanded to include magnetic resonance imaging. This new 3-volume edition gives you everything you need to know about CT and MRI of the thorax and neck, musuloskeletalsystem, and abdomen. Each volume covers basic anatomy, specific imaging techniques, descriptions and illustrations of the CT and MRI features of all pertinent entities, plus a comparison of the relative merits of CT and MRI for diagnostic imaging of a particular organ or body part.


Volume I. The Trachea and Central Bronchi. The Mediastinium. The Pulmonary Hila. The Lungs. The Chest Wall, Axillary Space, Pleurae, And Diaphragm. The Heart and Pericardium. Trauma. Interventional Techniques. The Larynx and Piriform Sinuses. The Neck. Volume Ii. The Joints. The Spine. Osteoporosis. Musculoskeletal Tumors. Marrow-Infiltrating Disorders. Volume Iii . The Gastrointestinal Tract. The Liver. The Biliary Tract. The Pancreas. The Kidneys. The Adrenal Glands. The Spleen. The Retroperitoneum and Lymphovascular Structures. The Peritoneal Cavity and Mesentery. The Pelvis. Pediatric Body Imaging. Interventional Computed Tomography. Principles of Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Principle of Computed Tomography.

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