European Community sex equality law


European Community sex equality law

Evelyn Ellis

(Oxford European Community law series)

Clarendon Press , Oxford University Press, 1991

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 24



Includes bibliographical references (p. [227]-231) and index



This study contains a critical examination of the existing European Community sex equality laws in the light of the Court of Justice's interpretation of their provisions. In particular, there is an analysis of Article 119 of the EEC Treaty, and the directives on equal pay, equal treatment and social security. The book demonstrates the considerable practical significance of these laws in expanding upon domestic anti-discrimination legislation. It also examines their role in illucidating some of the most fundamental constitutional principles underlying European Community law and its relations with the national laws of the Member States. The possible, and desirable, future direction of developments in European Community sex equality law is also considered against the background of the Social Charter, the single internal market and the potentially enhanced political integration of the Member States.


  • Article 119 and equal pay for equal work
  • the equal pay directive
  • equal treatment
  • social security
  • future developments

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