Professions and the state : expertise and autonomy in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe


Professions and the state : expertise and autonomy in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe

edited by Anthony Jones

(Labor and social change)

Temple University Press, c1991

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 10



Includes bibliographical references



Unlike autonomous professionals in Western industrialized democracies, professionals in a socialist, bureaucratic setting operate as employees of the state. The change in environment has important Implications not only for the practice of professions but also for the concept of professionalism itself. This collection of nine essays is the first to survey the major professions In the USSR, Czechoslovakia, and Poland. The contributors investigate the implications of professional experience in a socialist economy as well as relating changes in professional organization and power to reform movements in general and perestroika in particular. In the series Labor and Social Change, edited by Paula Rayman and Carmen Sirianni.


Preface 1. Professions and the State in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union: Theoretical Issues - Eliott Krause 2. The Hybrid Profession: Soviet Medicine - Mark G. Vleld 3. Lawyers In the Soviet Union - Louise Shelley 4. Soviet Engineers as a Professional Group - Eduard Gioeckner 5. The "Purposeful Science" of Soviet Sociology: Will It Become a Profession? - Llah Greenfeld 6. Teachers in the Soviet Union - Anthony Jones 7. Constraints on Professional Power in Soviet-Type Society: Insights From the 1980-81 Solidarity Period in Poland - Michael Kennedy and Konrad Sadkowski 8. Hierarchy of Status and Prestige Within the Medical Profession In Czechoslovakia - Aiena Heitiinger 9. Professions, the State, and the Reconstruction of Socialist Societies - Anthony Jones and Eliott Krause About the Contributors

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