Euryanthe and Carl Maria von Weber's dramaturgy of German opera


    • Tusa, Michael Charles


Euryanthe and Carl Maria von Weber's dramaturgy of German opera

Michael C. Tusa

(Studies in musical genesis and structure)

Clarendon Press , Oxford University Press, 1991

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 6



Includes bibliographical references and index



Weber's opera "Euryanthe" was written in 1823 and contains much that anticipates Wagner, as well as being a masterpiece in its own right. It was intended as the crowning work in the career of this seminal figure in the German operatic tradition of the early 19th century. Yet through its defective libretto it has virtually disappeared from the modern repertoire, despite containing, in Wagner's words, Weber's "most beautiful, richest, and most masterful music". In this book, the author provides the first full-length study of "Euryanthe" ever made.


  • Part 1 Orientations: biographical overview
  • synopsis and structural overview
  • perspectives on "Euryanthe". Part 2 The libretto: the sources for the libretto
  • Weber's role in the revisions of the libretto - an assessment. Part 3 Musical issues and the compositional process: the "Euryanthe" composition draft
  • tonal planning
  • dramatic truth
  • form
  • three case studies in the compositional process.

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