Threshold of a nation : a study in English and Irish Drama


    • Edwards, Philip


Threshold of a nation : a study in English and Irish Drama

Philip Edwards

Cambridge University Press, 1979

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 34



Includes bibliographical references and index



This imprint is established to publish in paperback for an individual readership the Press's most outstanding original monographs. These are titles which would normally appear in specialist hardback editions only, but whose quality and general academic importance justify their special promotion in this prestige imprint. The series will include both new and recent titles drawn from the whole range of the Press's very substantial publishing programmes in the Humanities and Social Sciences, and therefore represents some of the best current scholarship in the English language.


  • List of plates
  • Preface
  • 1. Introduction: the King's threshold
  • Part I. Shakespeare's England: 2. A superfluous sort of men: the rise and fall of the professional theatre
  • 3. Astraea and Chrisoganus
  • 4. Nation and empire
  • 5. The hidden King: Shakespeare's history plays
  • 6. Ben Jonson
  • 7. The royal pretenders: Ford's Perkin Warbeck and Massinger's Believe As You List
  • Part II. Yeats's Ireland: 8. Our Irish theatre
  • 9. A play-house in the waste: George Moore and the Irish theatre
  • 10. Nothing is concluded Sean O'Casey, Denis Johnston and Brendan Behan
  • Notes
  • Index.

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