The dynamics of Nazism : leadership, ideology, and the holocaust


The dynamics of Nazism : leadership, ideology, and the holocaust

Fred Weinstein

(Studies in social discontinuity)

Academic Press, c1980

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 20



Includes bibliographical references and index



The Dynamics of Nazism: Leadership, Ideology, and the Holocaust focuses on the problems of theory and history, in which the basic concern of psychoanalysis, the subjective strivings and perceptions, might be integrated with the basic concern of sociology, the organized collective behavior. This book contains four chapters and begins with a description of the principles and ideology of Nazism and the conservative intelligentsia. The second chapter discusses the psychosocial bases of Hitler's appeal and the heterogeneity of his movement. This chapter particularly emphasizes the emotional effect of Nazism events. The third chapter looks into the traditional psychoanalytic orientations to social action during Hitler's leadership. The fourth chapter treats the rationalizations of a shocking and bizarre racism, social struggles, and violence. Psychoanalysts, psychohistorians, sociologists, and psychologists will find this book a great value.


Preface Introduction 1 The Sense of Continuity and the Common Sense World Nazism and the Conservative Intelligentsia Some Examples of Conservative Support and Withdrawal The Conservative Intelligentsia and the Common Sense World The Routine Interpretation of Reality in Common Sense Terms Some Critical Comments on Social Scientific Views of Nazism2 The Emotional Impact of Events: When the Common Sense World Fails The Importance of the Concept of Affect in Theory and History The Psychosocial Bases of Hitler's Appeal The Problem of Continuity 3 Hitler's Charismatic Power and Racism Some Comments on Traditional Psychoanalytic Orientations to Social Action4 Nazism as an Ideological Movement: Conceiving the Final Solution Orientations to Past and Future Orientations to Struggle and Violence Orientations to Experience and Affect Orientations to Hierarchy Conceiving the Final Solution Index

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