The Ecology and silviculture of mixed-species forests : a festschrift for David M. Smith


The Ecology and silviculture of mixed-species forests : a festschrift for David M. Smith

edited by Matthew J. Kelty, Bruce C. Larson, and Chadwick D. Oliver

(Forestry sciences, v. 40)

Kluwer Academic Publishers, c1992

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 15



Includes bibliographical references



Much of the world's forested land is dominated by mixed-species stands. Understanding the complex structure and dynamics of these mixtures is a necessary step in the process of formulating appropriate silvicultural systems for their management. David M. Smith, Professor Emeritus of Silviculture at Yale University, has devoted much of his career to the study of the structure, development, and silvicultural treatment of these kinds of stands. This volume is presented by Professor Smith's collegues to honor the contributions he has made to the field. It contains both reviews of past work and results of current studies of mixed stands: topics range from analysis of forest dynamics in unmanaged stands to studies of silvicultural systems applied to mixtures, with examples drawn from boreal, temperate, and tropical regions. Much of the work stresses the importance of understanding the characteristic growth patterns of individual species within mixed stands, and how species interactions shape developmental patterns.


I. Stand Structure and Dynamics: Overview of Principles.- 1. Pathways of development in mixed-species stands.- 2. Similarities of stand structures and stand development processes throughout the world-some evidence and applications to silviculture through adaptive management.- II. Stand Structure and Dynamics: Case Studies.- 3. Development of a mixed-conifer forest in Hokkaido, northern Japan, following a catastrophic windstorm: A "parallel" model of plant succession.- 4. The structure and dynamics of tropical rain forest in relation to tree species richness.- 5. Patterns of diversity in the boreal forest.- 6. Regeneration from seed under a range of canopy conditions in tropical wet forest, Puerto Rico.- 7. Establishment and early growth of advance regeneration of canopy trees in moist mixed-species forest.- III. Productivity of Mixed-Species Stands.- 8. Comparative productivity of monocultures and mixed-species stands.- 9. Exploring the possibilities of developing a physiological model of mixed stands.- IV. Silviculture and Management of Mixed-Species Stands.- 10. Stand development patterns in Allegheny hardwood forests, and their influence on silviculture and management practices.- 11. Experiments in mixed mountain forests in Bavaria.- 12. The red spruce-balsam fir forest of Maine: Evolution of silvicultural practice in response to stand development patterns and disturbances.- 13. Temperate zone roots of silviculture in the tropics.- 14. Forest analysis: Linking the stand and forest levels.- V. Concluding Remarks.- 15. Ideas about mixed stands.

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