Practical approaches to legal research


Practical approaches to legal research

Kent C. Olson, Robert C. Berring

(Monographic supplement ... to the journal Legal reference services quarterly, #1)

Haworth Press, c1988

  • : pbk

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 4



Includes bibliographies and index



A fascinating manual of legal research, Practical Approaches to Legal Research is designed specifically for librarians. Unlike other texts geared for law students and the general public, this new text provides access to and interconnection of legal literature rather than their contents. Organized in terms of a librarian's basic needs, the chapters include simple reference questions, directions for finding a legal document known by name but not by citation, an overview of "quick reference" materials in the legal field, instructions for using one document to find additional materials, approaches to legal research by subject, examples of state legal literature, highlighting the uses and abuses of legal publication, and more. This basic "how to" guide for reference librarians illustrates that legal research can yield not only information but enjoyment.


Contents Citations Names Quick Reference Updating A Bird in the Hand Two in a Bush State Materials The Outer Limits Index

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