Hegel's theory of the modern state


Hegel's theory of the modern state

Shlomo Avineri

(Cambridge studies in the history and theory of politics)

Cambridge University Press, 1974, c1972

  • : pbk

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 32



Bibliography: p. 242-247

Includes index



This study in English of Hegel's political philosophy presents an overall view of the development of Hegel's political thinking. The author has drawn on Hegel's philosophical works, his political tracts and his personal correspondence. Professor Avineri shows that although Hegel is primarily thought of as a philosopher of the state, he was much concerned with social problems and his concept of the state must be understood in this context.


  • Preface
  • 1. Beginnings
  • 2. Positivity and freedom
  • 3. The modernisation of Germany
  • 4. The new era
  • 5. Modern life and social reality
  • 6. The owl of Minerva and the critical mind
  • 7. The political economy of modern society
  • 8. Social classes, representation and pluralism
  • 9. The state - the consciousness of freedom
  • 10. War
  • 11. The English reform bill - the social problem again
  • 12. History - the progress towards the consciousness of freedom
  • Epilogue
  • Bibliography
  • Index.

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