TEX for the beginner


TEX for the beginner

Wynter Snow

Addison-Wesley Pub., c1992

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 24



Includes index



I. STARTING OUT. Starting Out. TEX's Special Characters. Getting a Printout. Adjusting Awkward Line Breaks. II. ONTO THE SLOPES. Making New Control Sequences. A Smorgasbord of Fonts. Making Your Text Larger or Smaller. Shaping Your White Space. Creating New White Space. Glue: Space That Can Stretch and Shrink. How TEX Makes a Page. III. DOWN WE GO! Quotations: Three Basic Macro Structures. Changing Your Paragraph Margins. Making Lists. Hanging Indentation. Obeying Lines and Spaces: Verse and Computer Code. Headings: for Sections, Chapters, and Title Pages. Headers and Footers. Footnotes. Alignment: Making Tables. Putting Headings in Your Tables. Drawing Lines (Rules) in Your Tables. Tables and Figures, Both Floating and Stationary . Using Math Mode. Math Mode Symbols. Fractions and Multi-Line Math Displays. Fonts for Math Mode. IV. STEEPER SLOPES. Boxes. Controlling the Size of Your Boxes. Moving Your Boxes. Drawing Line (Rules) in Your Text. Adjusting Awkward Page Breaks. How TEX Works: Modes, Tokens, Mouth, and Stomach. V. BACK AT THE LODGE. Bug Diagnosis: Tips and Strategies. Bug Diagnosis: Symptoms and Error Messages. 0201547996T04062001

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