
Scanning electron microscopy of vascular casts : methods and applications

edited by Pietro M. Motta, Takuro Murakami, and Hisao Fujita

(Electron microscopy in biology and medicine, EMBM 10)

Kluwer Academic Publishers, c1992

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 12



Includes bibliographical references and index



Recently, attention has been called to the role that microvascular organization plays in the functional morphology of all organs and tissues, both in normal and pathological conditions. Since its development by Murakami, the corrosion cast method for scanning electron microscopy has come to be considered one of the most efficient means in clarifying the three-dimensional features of the microcirculation of organs and tissues. "Scanning Electron Microscopy of Vascular Casts: Methods and Applications" was planned to supply fundamental and new information regarding microcirculation studies to general biologists, anatomists, pathologists and clinicians. The contributions to this volume contain original findings and electron micrographs obtained by using recently improved corrosion methods. The variety of papers in this book should be useful to many, and aim to provide both the basic and clinically oriented readers with ideas, suggestions, and original and worthwhile information.

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