The correspondence of Marcus Cornelius Fronto with Marcus Aurelius Antoninus, Lucius Verus, Antoninus Pius, and various friends


The correspondence of Marcus Cornelius Fronto with Marcus Aurelius Antoninus, Lucius Verus, Antoninus Pius, and various friends

edited and for the first time translated into English by C.R. Haines

(The Loeb classical library, [112]-113)

W. Heinemann , Harvard University Press, 1928-1929

Rev. and repr. [ed.]

  • 1 : American
  • 1 : British
  • 2 : American
  • 2 : British


Marcus Cornelius Fronto

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 101



Latin and English on opposite pages

Includes indexes

First printed 1919



The correspondence of Fronto--a much admired orator and rhetorician who was befriended by the emperor Antoninus Pius and teacher of his adopted sons Marcus Aurelius and Lucius Verus--offers an invaluable picture of aristocratic life and literary culture in the 2nd century. His letters reveal Fronto's strong stylistic views and dislike of Stoicism as well as his family joys and sorrows. They portray the successes and trials of a prominent figure in the palace, literary salons, the Senate, and lawcourts, and they give a fascinating record of the relationship between the foremost teacher of his time and his illustrious student Marcus Aurelius, his chief correspondent. The Loeb Classical Library edition of Fronto is in two volumes.

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