The Basics book of OSI and network management


    • Motorola Codex


The Basics book of OSI and network management

Motorola Codex

(The Motorola Codex basics book series)

Addison-Wesley Pub., 1992



Includes bibliographical references and index



This book is designed as a quick, but accurate, summary of what network management is, who should worry about it, and why. This introduction explains where network management came from and points out the key aspects to be focused on. Beginning with a definition of the field of network management, it gives an overview of the basic choices that a potential user faces, followed by a description of different communication realms, and how management takes place within and across them. A particularly useful chapter provides a lucid explanation of OSI and other standards and how they relate to network communications. Finally, the student will get to see network management at work in real- life situations.Features * Includes examples of network management at work in real-life situations. * Offers an easy-to-understand explanation of the OSI model, as it relates to network communciations. * Includes plenty of colorful diagrams and second-color side bars help make the material accessible and convenient as a reference. * Explains where network management came from and points out the key aspects to be focused on. 0201563711B04062001


Introduction. 1. Defining Network Management. A First Step: Network Control. Network Management Today. The "Good" NMS. More NMS Choices. The Shape of Chapters to Come. 2. When Worlds Collide. Too Many Systems. The Case for Standards. 3. A Hitchhiker's Guide to OSI. What OSI Management Is (or Will Be). What OSI Management Isn't. The First of the Fully Baked Standards. SMFAs: Some Major Fun Areas. SMFs: Still More Fun. CMIS and CMIP. A Tie-It-All-Together Example. Related Standards and Influences: SNMP and GOSIP. OSI Management: So What? 4. Network Management in Practice. Big NM Application #1: Fault Management. Big NM Application #2: Performance Management. Big NM Application #3: Configuration Management. Other Value-Added NM Applications. The Punch Line. A Last Grand Example. Index. 0201563711T04062001

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