Computer analysis of electrophysiological signals


Computer analysis of electrophysiological signals

John Dempster

(Biological techniques series)

Academic Press, c1993


Biological techniques, computer analysis of electrophysical signals

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 12




A Volume in the Biological Techniques Series. This essential bench-top manual is the first comprehensive introduction to the principles and practice of the analysis of electrophysiological signals. The text describes hardware and software, including specific techniques for the analysis of single ion channels, noise analysis, and voltage-clamped whole cell currents. Rather than simply providing a manual describing how to use computer programs, this book provides insight into why programs operate in particular ways, the pitfalls awaiting the unwary, and the general philosophy behind signal analysis techniques. Examples of program source code are included.


Introduction. Digital Recording of Analogue Signals. Analogue Signal Conditioning. Signal Analysis: Measurement of Signal Waveform Characteristics. Statistical Analysis and Presentation of Measurements. Mathematical Modelling and Curve Fitting. Analysis of Voltage-Activated Currents. Analysis of Single Channel Currents. Analysis of Ionic Current Fluctuations: Noise Analysis. Appendices: An Introduction to Computers. Chapter Summaries. Reference. Suppliers.

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