
Convective heat and mass transfer

W.M. Kays, M.E. Crawford

(McGraw-Hill series in mechanical engineering)

McGraw-Hill, c1993

3rd ed

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 33



Includes bibliographical references and index



This book is designed as a textbook for mechanical engineering seniors or beginning graduate students. The book provides a reasonable theoretical basis for a subject that has traditionally had a very strong experimental base. The core of the book is devoted to boundary layer theory with special emphasis on the laminar and turbulent thermal boundary layer. Two chapters on heat exchanger theory are included since this subject is one of the principle application areas of convective heat transfer.


1 Introduction2 Conservation Principles3 Fluid Stresses and Flux Laws4 The Differential Equations of the Laminar Boundary Layer5 The Differential Equations of the Turbulent Boundary Layer6 The Integral Equations of the Boundary Layer7 Momentum Transfer Laminar Flow Inside Tubes8 Momentum Transfer The Laminar External Boundary Layer9 Heat Transfer Laminar Flow Inside Tubes10 Heat Transfer The Laminar External Boundary Layer11 Momentum Transfer The Turbulent Momentum Boundary Layer12 Momentum Transfer Turbulent Flow in Tubes13 Heat Transfer The Turbulent Boundary Layer14 Turbulent Flow Inside Tubes15 The Influence of Temperature-Dependent Fluid Properties16 Convective Heat Transfer at High Velocities17 Free-Convection Boundary Layers18 Heat Exchanger Analysis and Design19 Compact Heat Exchanger Surfaces20 Mass Transfer Formulation of a Simplified Theory21 Mass Transfer Some Solutions to the Conserved-Property Equation22 Mass Transfer Some Examples of Evaluation of the Driving Force

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