Christians and the holy places : the myth of Jewish-Christian origins


Christians and the holy places : the myth of Jewish-Christian origins

Joan E. Taylor

Clarendon Press , Oxford University Press, c1993

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 4



Revision of the author's thesis (Ph. D.--University of Edinburgh, 1989), published under title: A critical investigation of archaeological material assigned to Palestinian Jewish-Christians of the Roman and Byzantine periods

Includes bibliographical references and index



The origins of Christian holy places in Palestine and the beginnings of Christian pilgrimage to these sites have seemed obscure. From a detailed examination of the literature and archaeology pertaining to specific sites and the region in general, the present author finds no evidence that Christians of any kind venerated 'holy places' before the fourth century. It appears that scholarly Christians had visited certain Biblical sites out of historical and exegetical concerns, but that these sites were not considered holy, or the visitors as 'pilgrims'. Instead, the origins of Christian pilgrimage and holy places rest with the emperor Constantine, who established four basilicas in Palestine c. 325-30 and provided two imperial matrons, Helena and Eutropia, as examples of a new kind of pious pilgrim. Pilgrimage to intrinsically sacred shrines had been a pagan practice, which was grafted on to Christianity. Many Jewish, Samaritan, and pagan sites were thereafter appropriated by the church and turned into Christian holy places. This process helped to destroy the widespread paganism of Palestine and mark the country as a 'holy land'. Very few sites are genuine, the most important being the cave (not Garden) of Gethsemane, in which Jesus was probably arrested.


  • The Bagatti-Testa hypothesis
  • Jewish-Christians in Palestine
  • the distribution of religious groups in Palestine from AD 135 to 324
  • Mamre
  • Bethlehem
  • Golgotha
  • Eleona
  • caves and tombs
  • the Bethany cave, Gethsemane and the tomb of the Virgin
  • Zion
  • Nazareth
  • Capernaum
  • the evolution of the Christain holy places.

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