Plants as biomonitors : indicators for heavy metals in the terrestrial environment


Plants as biomonitors : indicators for heavy metals in the terrestrial environment

edited by Bernd Markert

VCH, c1993

  • : Weinheim
  • : New York

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 9



Includes bibliographical references and index



Monitoring the pollution status of the environment by means of living (or formerly living) organisms is one of the main topics of environmental chemistry and generally called "bioindication" or "biomonitoring". The possibility of observing the heavy metal and nutritional element status of our environment using organisms instead of direct measurement of the immission into an ecosystem has been intensively discussed for over 25 years. This work summarizes the wide field of biomonitoring of heavy metals in terrestrial ecosystems by the use of plants. It does not attempt to provide a uniform terminology of bioindication (biomonitoring), and therefore it varies from chapter to chapter due to the many different views that coexist at present. The book rather gives a survey of the state of the art of this expanding field based on the authors' work.


  • General aspects
  • chemical aspects
  • analytical aspects
  • geobotanical and biogeochemical prospecting and analysis for heavy metal deposits
  • biomonitoring terrestrial heavy metal pollution by plants - lichens, fungi, mosses, higher plants
  • analysis of heavy metals in plants for the selection of future monitoring species.

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