The new poetry of Japan--the 70s and 80s



The new poetry of Japan--the 70s and 80s

edited by Thomas Fitzsimmons, Yoshimasu Gozo ; associate Kinoshita Tetsuo ; poets Fujii Sadakazu ... [et al.] ; translated by Christopher Drake ... [et al.] ; introduction by Suzuki Shiroyasu ; illustrations by K.A. H.-Fitzsimmons

(Asian poetry in translation, #15)

Katydid Books , Distributed by Univ. of Hawaii Press, c1993

1st ed

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 24




Poetry. Asian Studies. Translated from the Japanese by Christopher Drake, Robert Brady, Odagawa Kazuko, Eric Selland, William I. Elliott and Kawamura Kazuo. This anthology contains the books of five poets--Fujii Sadakazu, Hirata Toshiko, Matsuura Hisaki, Yoshida Fuminori, Inagawa Masato--who emerged in the 1970's and 1980's as the voice of a new tradition--asserting an individual voice against the tide of "masu komi" media expression that has created a psychological and spiritual void in today's Japan.

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