Haydn and the classical variation


Haydn and the classical variation

Elaine R. Sisman

(Studies in the history of music, 5)

Harvard University Press, 1993

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 15



Includes bibliographical references (p. 281-301) and index



In this examination of the theme-and-variations form in the Classical era, Elaine Sisman aims to demonstrate that it was Haydn's prophetic innovations - placing the variation in every position of a multi-movement cycle, broadening its array of theme types, and transforming its larger shape - that truly created the Classical variation. She elucidates the concept and technique of variation, traces Haydn's development and use of the form in symphonies, chamber music, and keyboard works, and then shows how Mozart and Beethoven in their individual ways built on his contributions. Throughout, Sisman's analysis reflects both musical thinking of the Classical period and today's critical interests. She discusses ornamentation and musical figures, explores the pervasive 18th-century notion of music as rhetoric, and relates the style of the variation to that of the other dominant form in this period: sonata form. Her book offers a revaluation of the nature of the variation form and an approach to the music of Haydn. "Haydn and the Classical Variation" is addressed to students and scholars of music, but the author's unaffected style should make it accessible to nonprofessional music lovers as well.


Preface Introduction: Repetition and Decoration The Rhetoric of Variation Rhetoric and Classical Composers Rhetoric and Variation Figures of Rhetoric and Music Figures for Variation Form Rhetorical Analysis Variation as Form and Technique in Eighteenth-Century Musical Writings Improvised and Composed Variation Technique Improvised and Composed Variation Form The Variation in the Universe of Classical Musical Forms Expansion Techniques Principal Periods Haydn's Expansions Variation and Expanded Forms Convention and Innovation in Haydn's Variations to 1780 Early Variations The Watershed of 1772 Haydn's "Creative Periods" Hybrid Variations: Principles and Development Synthesis: Haydn's Variations in the 1780s and 1790s Symphonies Quartets Keyboard Works Mozart's Variations Inventio: Choice and Adaptation of Themes Dispositio: Ordering of Variations Elaboratio: Figures and Figurations Conclusion: Beethoven and the Transformation of the Classical Variation Decorum Piano Variations and the "New Way" Eroica: Transformation of the Alternating Variation Appendix A: Variations of Haydn, Mozart, and Beethoven (Tables A.1-A-3) Appendix B: Extended Original-Language Quotations Selected Bibliography Index

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