European images of the Americas and the classical tradition


European images of the Americas and the classical tradition

edited by Wolfgang Haase and Meyer Reinhold

(The classical tradition and the Americas / edited by Wolfgang Haase and Meyer Reinhold, v. 1)

Walter de Gruyter, 1994

  • pt. 1

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 22



Includes bibliographical references



I-IV -- America and the Classical Tradition: Preface and Introduction -- Contents -- I. SCHOLARLY AND LITERARY IMAGES OF THE NEW WORLD FROM THE TIME OF COLUMBUS TO THE PRESENT -- 1. GENERAL SUBJECTS -- Classical Models of World Geography and Their Transformation Following the Discovery of America -- New World and "novos orbes": Seneca in the Renaissance Debate over Ancient Knowledge of the Americas -- The Adjustment of Ptolemaic Atlases to Feature the New World -- Classical Ethnography and Its Influence on the European Perception of the Peoples of the New World -- The Euhemerist Tradition and the European Perception and Description of the American Indians -- Myths and Legends in the Old World and European Expansionism on the American Continent -- The Other World and the 'Antipodes'. The Myth of the Unknown Countries between Antiquity and the Renaissance -- The Amazon Myth and Latin America -- " El Dorado " and the Myth of the Golden Fleece -- Classical Antiquity, America, and the Myth of the Noble Savage -- Adveniat tandem Typhis qui detegat orbes COLUMBUS in Neo-Latin Epic Poetry (16th-18th Centuries) -- The American Indians and the Ancients of Europe: The Idea of Comparison and the Construction of Historical Time in the 18th Century -- 692-694

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