Selected essays on the history of letter-forms in manuscript and print


Selected essays on the history of letter-forms in manuscript and print

Stanley Morison ; edited by David McKitterick

Cambridge University Press, 1980-1981

  • : set
  • v. 1
  • v. 2

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 2



Includes index



During his long career Stanley Morison held appointments as typographical adviser to Cambridge University Press, to the Monotype Corporation, and to The Times, where he was responsible both for its radical new design in 1932 and for the standard history of the paper. These two volumes bring together the majority of his most lasting essays. Many of them, pioneering in their day, are now classics in their field. The collection, first published in 1980, spans a period of forty years. It includes essays on letter-forms in manuscript and in print, beginning with those published in The Flueron in the 1920s, on typefaces in sixteenth-century Italy, on the development of Latin script, on the history of learned presses and on the typography of newspapers.


  • Volume I: 1. The art of printing
  • 2. Towards an ideal roman type
  • 3. The Chancery types of Italy and France
  • 4. On script types
  • 5. Towards an ideal italic
  • 6. The italic types of Antonio Blado and Ludovico Arrighi
  • 7. Decorated types
  • 8. Leipzig as a centre of type-founding
  • 9. Venice and the arabesque ornament
  • 10. The development of handwriting: an outline
  • 11. 'Black-letter' text
  • 12. Early humanistic script and the first roman type
  • 13. Notes on the development of Latin script
  • Volume II: 14. Memorandum on a proposal to revise the typography of The Times
  • 15. Supplement to the memorandum
  • 16. The origins of the newspaper
  • 17. The learned press as an institution
  • 18. Marcello Cervini, Pope Marcellus II
  • bibliography's patron saint
  • 19. Recollections and perspectives of D. B. Updike.

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