How to test almost everything electronic



How to test almost everything electronic

Delton T. Horn

TAB Books, c1993

3rd ed

  • pbk

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 1



Rev. ed. of: How to test almost everything electronic / Jack Darr and Delton T. Horn

Includes index



pbk ISBN 9780830641277


Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product. The practical, hands-on guidance needed to troubleshoot efficiently with today's electronic test equipment Staying away from hard-to-understand theory and mathematics, this practical handbook show you how common devices such as multimeters, frequency and logic probes, signal traces, and oscilloscopes are used. You'll pinpoint problems in everything from TV sets and computers to automotive electrical systems. A practical, hands-on guide to troubleshooting with electronic test equipment - revised to include current testing techniques and new chapters on mechanical repairs and flowcharting.

ISBN 9780830641284


As the world of electronics gets more complex, so do the meters, probes, and other testing devices used to troubleshoot electronic systems. This bestselling guide should be the first word for beginner-level hobbyists and students who want to understand and use today's electronic test equipment. Light on theory and mathematical calculations, it's a practical handbook and reference that clearly explains how common testing devices such as the multimeter, frequency and logic probes, signal tracers, and oscilloscopes are used to pinpoint problems in everything from TV sets and computers to automotive electrical systems.

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