The world almanac and book of facts



The world almanac and book of facts

Newpapers Enterprising Association, [19--]-

  • 1994 : softcover
  • 1994 : hardcover
  • 1995 : softcover
  • 1995 : hardcover
  • 1996 : softcover
  • 1996 : hardcover
  • 1997 : softcover
  • 1997 : hardcover
  • 1998 : softcover
  • 1998 : hardcover
  • 1999 : softcover
  • 1999 : hardcover
  • 2000 : softcover
  • 2000 : hardcover
  • 2001 : softcover
  • 2001 : hardcover
  • 2002 : softcover
  • 2002 : hardcover
  • 2003 : softcover
  • 2003 : hardcover
  • 2004 : softcover
  • 2004 : hardcover
  • 2005 : softcover
  • 2005 : hardcover
  • 2006 : softcover
  • 2006 : hardcover
  • 2007 : softcover
  • 2007 : hardcover
  • 2008 : softcover
  • 2008 : hardcover
  • 2009 : softcover
  • 2010 : softcover
  • 2010 : hardcover
  • 2011 : softcover
  • 2011 : hardcover
  • 2012 : pbk
  • 2012 : hardcover
  • 2013 : pbk
  • 2013 : hardcover
  • 2014 : pbk
  • 2014 : hardcover
  • 2015 : pbk
  • 2015 : hardcover
  • 2016 : pbk
  • 2016 : hardcover
  • 2017 : pbk
  • 2017 : hardcover
  • 2018 : pbk
  • 2018 : hardcover
  • 2019 : pbk
  • 2019 : hardcover
  • 2020 : pbk
  • 2020 : hardcover


The world almanac

電子リソースにアクセスする 全64

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 131

  • 愛知県立大学 長久手キャンパス図書館

    1994 : softcover059/W88/1994102421864, 1995 : softcover059/W88/1995102421873, 1996 : softcover059/W88/1996100064824, 1997 : softcover059/W88/1997100112420, 1998 : softcover059/W88/1998204008782, 1999 : softcover059/W88/1999204061340, 2000 : softcover059/W88/2000204164624, 2001 : softcover059/W88/2001204198936, 2002 : softcover059/W88/2002300162105, 2003 : softcover059/W88/2003300226580, 2004 : softcover059/W88/2004300277696, 2005 : softcover059/W88/2005300351962, 2006 : softcover059/W88/2006300422652, 2007 : softcover059/W88/2007300494796, 2008 : softcover059/W88/2008204392460, 2009 : softcover059/W88/2009204511650, 2010 : softcover059/W88/2010204597654, 2012 : pbk059/W88/2012204806558, 2013 : pbk059/W88/2013204932947, 2014 : pbk059/W88/2014205056096, 2015 : pbk059/W88/2015205140242, 2016 : pbk059/W88/2016205242860, 2017 : pbk059/W88/2017205328070, 2018 : pbk059/W88/2018205407413, 2019 : pbk059/W88/2019205490634, 2020 : pbk059/W88/2020205551140

  • 愛知淑徳大学 図書館

    1995 : softcover059||W88||1995B25645, 2000 : softcover059/W88/200010158337, 2002 : softcover059/W88/200210177175

  • 愛知淑徳大学 図書館 星が丘分館

    1995 : softcover059/W88/'9500109140, 1996 : softcover059||W88||'96147566, 1997 : softcover059||W88||'97152891, 1998 : softcover059||W88||'98156906, 1999 : softcover059||W88||'99160638, 2000 : softcover059/W88/200000131444, 2001 : softcover059/W88/200100134496, 2002 : softcover059/W88/200200136374, 2003 : softcover059/W88/200300138427, 2004 : softcover059/W88/200400142261, 2005 : softcover059/W88/200500146579, 2006 : softcover059/W88/200600149623, 2007 : softcover059/W88/200700153989, 2008 : softcover059/W88/200800159510, 2009 : softcover059/W88/200900162559, 2010 : softcover059/W88/201000169284, 2011 : softcover059/W88/201100174734, 2012 : pbk059/W88/201200178217, 2013 : pbk059/W88/201300182701, 2014 : pbk059/W88/201400186393, 2015 : pbk059/W88/201500191625, 2016 : pbk059/W88/201600194140, 2017 : pbk059/W88/201700199244, 2018 : pbk059/W88/201800202756, 2019 : pbk059/W88/201900207613, 2020 : pbk059/W88/202000210478

  • NKZ 東京図書館新宿C

    2009 : softcoverR059/WOR/2009T313025


  • 追手門学院大学 附属図書館

    2004 : softcover004786315, 2005 : softcover004965687

  • 大分大学 学術情報拠点(図書館)

    2015 : pbk031||WA2||201511389199

  • 大阪経済大学 日本経済史研究所

    2011 : softcover059/Wor964000005


  • 大阪公立大学 杉本図書館図書館

    2010 : softcover059//W88//519311702351930, 2011 : softcover059//W88//966911702396695

  • 大阪公立大学 杉本図書館

    2000 : softcover059//W88//881111400888118

  • 大阪公立大学 中百舌鳥図書館

    2009 : softcover3000021579, 2010 : softcover059/W88/20103000026608

  • 大阪府立中央図書館

    1994 : softcover059||3F, 1995 : softcover059||3F, 1996 : softcover059||3F, 1997 : softcover059||3F, 2000 : softcover059||3F, 2001059||3F, 2002059||3F, 2003059||3F, 2004059||3F, 2005059||3F2110370240, 2006059||3F, 2007059||3F, 2008059||3F, 2009059||3F


  • 岡山県立大学 附属図書館

    2007 : softcover059||WO||200700296950, 2010 : softcover059||WO||201000310021

  • 沖縄キリスト教学院 図書館

    2005 : softcover059||W||2005000076400

  • 沖縄県立芸術大学 附属図書・芸術資料館

    2000 : softcoverR059||W88||20000120179866, 2001 : softcoverR059||W88||20010120179874

  • 沖縄国際大学 図書館

    1994 : softcover059/WOR/199400176939, 1995 : softcover059/WOR/199500188771, 1996 : softcover059/WOR/199600198502, 1997 : softcover059/WOR/199700218040, 1998 : softcover059/WOR/199800228006, 1999 : softcover059/WOR/199900245568, 2000 : softcover059/WOR/200000267222, 2001 : softcover059/WOR/200100273886, 2002 : softcover059/WOR/200200294031, 2003 : softcover059/WOR/200300309682, 2004 : softcover059/WOR/200400318418, 2005 : softcover059/WOR/200500337987, 2006 : softcover059/WOR/200600354581, 2007 : softcover059/WOR/200700367671, 2008 : softcover059/WOR/200800389492

  • 香川大学 図書館

    2010 : softcover05F/W3120022110

  • 鹿児島純心女子短期大学 図書館図書館

    1995 : softcoverH9406252*


  • 神奈川県立図書館横浜

    2002 : softcoverY059 W 200221574413


  • 神奈川大学 図書館

    2008 : hardcoverAA200701987, 2009 : softcoverAA200804240, 2010 : hardcoverAA200907082, 2011 : hardcoverAA201003867, 2012 : hardcoverAA201102963, 2013 : hardcoverAA201202734, 2014 : hardcoverAA201302108, 2015 : hardcoverAA201402319, 2016 : hardcoverAA201501906, 2017 : hardcoverAA201602817, 2018 : hardcoverAA201701684

  • 関西外国語大学 図書館 学術情報センター (御殿山)

    2015 : pbk059/W88/'15101914, 2016 : pbk059/W88/'16271820, 2017 : pbk059/W88/'17105390, 2018 : pbk059/W88/'18128803

  • 関東学院大学 図書館

    2009 : softcover110809098, 2010 : softcover111001698, 2011 : softcover111101550, 2012 : pbk111202585, 2013 : pbk111301760, 2014 : pbk111306505, 2015 : pbk111501122, 2016 : pbk111503109, 2017 : pbk111604775, 2018 : pbk111704212, 2019 : pbk111804414, 2020 : pbk111903787

  • 北九州市立大学 図書館

    2001 : softcoverR059/W88/20010005441431, 2010 : softcoverR059/W88/20100005617824, 2011 : softcoverR059/W88/20110005720628

  • 九州工業大学 附属図書館

    2000 : softcover1031877, 2010 : softcover059||W-1||10001093415

  • 京都女子大学 図書館

    1995 : softcover059//0005145856, 2011 : softcover059/W88/20112118000197

  • 京都精華大学 情報館

    1994 : hardcover059||W 8800090047, 1995 : hardcover059||W 8800096808, 1996 : hardcover059||W 8800102951, 1997 : hardcover059||W 8800108997, 1998 : hardcover059||W 8800116860, 1999 : hardcover059||W 8800129719, 2000 : hardcover059||W 8800139001, 2001 : hardcover059||W 8800146306, 2002 : hardcover059||W 8800151224, 2003 : hardcover059||W 8800156744, 2004 : hardcover059||W 8800161510, 2005 : hardcover059||W 8800166399, 2006 : hardcover059||W 8800169331, 2007 : hardcover059||W 8800173073, 2008 : hardcover059||W 8800176765


  • 京都府立大学 附属図書館

    2010 : softcover500014199

  • 岐阜大学 図書館

    1996 : hardcover059||WOR120711931, 2014 : pbk059||Wor121191125

  • 熊本学園大学 図書館

    2003 : softcover005908612

  • 熊本学園大学 付属海外事情研究所

    1996 : softcover800002675


  • 熊本県立大学 図書館

    1997 : softcover050||W 88||19970000191253, 1999 : softcover050||W 88||19990000215644, 2000 : softcover050||W 88||20000000236587, 2011 : softcover050||W 88||20110000340513, 2015 : pbk050||W 88||20150000366335

  • 倉敷芸術科学大学 図書館

    1996 : softcover150014722


  • 公益財団法人 国際文化会館

    2004 : hardcover310||Wa||2004||R11101151, 2005 : hardcover310||Wa||2005||R11101473, 2006 : hardcover310||Wa||2006||R11101569, 2007 : hardcover310||Ws||2007||R11101738, 2008 : hardcover310||Wa||2008||R11102384, 2009 : softcover310||Wa||2009||R11103154, 2010 : hardcover310||Wa||2010||R11103468, 2011 : hardcover310||Wa||2010||R11103468, 2020 : pbk310||Wa||2020||R11126146

  • 高知県立大学 附属永国寺図書館永図

    2002 : softcoverS08||W1||2002110201856

  • 甲南女子大学 図書館

    2000 : softcover304306, 2005 : softcover340416, 2006 : softcover340417, 2007 : softcover351402, 2008 : softcover359237, 2009 : softcover366597, 2010 : softcover00374084, 2011 : softcover00387975, 2012 : pbk00395093, 2013 : pbk00404849, 2014 : pbk00413147, 2016 : pbk00425391, 2017 : pbk00432251, 2018 : pbk00439673, 2019 : pbk00448449

  • 神戸学院大学 図書館 有瀬館

    2006 : softcover059||Wor||'060922602, 2010 : softcover059||Wor||'101102154, 2011 : softcover059||Wor||'111109262

  • 神戸女学院大学 図書館

    2009 : softcover312/WO1/20090423746, 2010 : softcover312/WO10430216, 2011 : softcover312/WO10438245, 2012 : pbk312/WO10441378, 2013 : pbk312/WO10446912, 2014 : pbk312/WO10450761, 2015 : pbk312/WO10455287, 2016 : pbk312/WO10457866, 2017 : pbk312/WO10462206, 2018 : pbk312/WO10465163, 2019 : pbk312/WO10468414, 2020 : pbk312/WO10471061


  • 国際教養大学 中嶋記念図書館

    2014 : hardcoverAY||67||N5||W7 201410044820, 2015 : pbkAY||67||N5||W7 201510047530, 2016 : pbkAY||67||N5||W7 201610050142, 2017 : pbkAY||67||N5||W7 201710051328, 2018 : pbkAY||67||N5||W7 201810053199


  • 国際基督教大学 図書館

    2015 : pbk08008247, 2019 : pbk059/W883/201908043695, 2009059/W883/200906755077, 2010059/W883/201006935016, 2008059/W883/200806634528, 2007059/W883/200706510359, 2012059/W883/201207380087, 2005059/W883/200506256865, 2006059/W883/200606345859, 1945059/W883/194501955094, 1946059/W883/194600858334, 1948059/W883/194800858343, 1949059/W883/194900858352, 1950059/W883/1950,059/W883/1950/C.200858361,00858389, 1951059/W883/1951,059/W883/1951/C.2,*****00858370,00858398,03161535, 1952059/W883/195200858405, 1953059/W883/195300858414, 1954059/W883/1954,059/W883/1954/C.200858423,00858432, 1955059/W883/195500858441, 1956059/W883/195600123208, 1957059/W883/195700143758, 1958059/W883/195800164137, 1959059/W883/195900183786, 1960059/W883/196000199662, 1962059/W883/196200249412, 1963059/W883/196300268944, 1965059/W883/196500322403, 1966059/W883/196600418792, 1967059/W883/196700423991, 1968059/W883/196800446761, 1969059/W883/196900469567, 1970059/W883/197000485077, 1971059/W883/197100507589, 1972059/W883/197201646892, 1973059/W883/197301702232, 1974059/W883/197401763069, 1975059/W883/197501836160, 1977059/W883/197702021001, 1978059/W883/197802105233, 1979059/W883/197902284995, 1980059/W883/198002395713, 1981059/W883/198102551811, 1982059/W883/198202656815, 1983059/W883/198302767376, 1984059/W883/198402879656, 1985059/W883/198502965241, 1986059/W883/198603071017, 1987059/W883/198703375127, 1988059/W883/198803461202, 1989059/W883/198903587032, 1990059/W883/199003865641, 1991059/W883/199104007096, 1992059/W883/199204141627, 1993059/W883/199304288915, 2000059/W833/200005460707, 2013059/W883/201307522610, 199404447735, 199504560246, 199604726719, 199704912018, 1998059/W883/199805051971, 1999059/W883/199905162977, 2002059/W883/200205761473, 2003059/W883/200305934126, 2004059/W883/200406033534, 201407619115, 201608018534, 201708026634, 201808033918, 2020059/W883/202008054655, 2001059/W833/200105514419, 2021059/W883/202108062437

  • 国際大学 松下図書・情報センター

    1998 : softcover059-W927-1997T098287, 1999 : hardcover059-W927-1999T100590, 2000 : softcover059-W927-2000T102397, 2001 : softcover059-W927-2001T102364, 2002 : softcover059-W927-2002T104817, 2003 : softcover059-W927-2003T104339, 2004 : softcover059-W927-2004T105750, 2005 : softcover059-W927-2005T106655, 2009 : softcover059||W927||2009T111626, 2010 : softcover059||W927||2010T112889, 2011 : softcover059||W927||2011T114798, 2015 : pbk059|W927|2015T117815, 2017 : pbk059|W927|2016T118613, 2018 : pbk059|W927|2018T119376, 2019 : pbk059|W927|2019T119989, 2020 : pbk059|W927|2020T120549


  • 国士舘大学 図書館・情報メディアセンター本館

    1999 : softcover059||W 88||'99754892

  • 佐賀大学 附属図書館

    1994 : softcover059.3-W 88-94149300075, 1995 : softcover059.3-W 88-95149400010, 1996 : softcover059.3-W 88-96149500040, 1997 : softcover059.3-W 88-97149600139, 1998 : softcover059.3-W 88-98149700049, 1999 : softcover059.3-W 88-99149800047, 2000 : softcover059.3-W 88-2000140000004, 2001 : softcover059.3-W 88-2001140000079, 2002 : softcover059.3-W 88-2002140100395, 2003 : softcover059.3-W 88-2003140200150, 2004 : softcover059.3-W 88-20041403001953, 2005 : softcover059.3-W 88-20051404000453, 2006 : softcover059.3-W 88-20061405000080, 2007 : softcover059.3-W 88-20071406000058, 2008 : softcover059.3-W 88-20081407000040, 2009 : softcover059.3-W 88-20091408000177, 2010 : softcover059.3-W 88-20101209005216, 2011 : softcover059.3-W 88-20111411003198, 2012 : pbk059.3-W 88-20121411006738, 2013 : pbk059.3-W 88-20131412003043, 2014 : pbk059.3-W 88-20141213004758, 2015 : pbk059.3-W 88-20151214009277, 2016 : pbk059.3-W 88-20161215002033, 2017 : pbk059.3-W 88-20171216001808, 2018 : pbk059.3-W 88-20181217002037

  • 作新学院大学 図書館

    2005 : softcover200500605, 2006 : softcover200600182, 2007 : softcover200700386, 2008 : softcover200703264, 2009 : softcover200900750, 2010 : softcover201000030, 2011 : softcover201100277, 2012 : pbk201200349

  • 札幌国際大学 図書館

    1996 : softcover059||WO130288, 2006 : softcover059||WO157099

  • 滋賀大学 附属図書館

    2010 : softcover050||W 89087200219

  • 島根県立大学 浜田キャンパス図書館

    2002 : softcover059||Wo||2002180146581, 2005 : softcover059||Wo||2005180304172, 2010 : softcover059||Wo||2010180268690

  • 島根大学 附属図書館

    2009 : softcoverNDC:059/W88, 2010 : softcoverNDC:059/W88

  • 淑徳大学 みずほ台図書館

    2012 : pbk305||W||2012319732

  • 白百合女子大学 図書館

    1996 : softcover01854484, 1997 : softcover02167644, 1998 : softcover02137659, 2000 : softcover02208026, 2001 : softcover02107304, 2002 : softcover02717058, 2003 : softcover02736959, 2004 : softcover02575622, 2005 : softcover02550068, 2006 : softcover02556581, 2007 : softcover02907746, 2008 : softcover02846858, 2009 : softcover03015232, 2011 : softcover03171216, 2012 : pbk03259580, 2013 : pbk03340702, 2014 : pbk03421615, 2016 : pbk03511429, 2017 : pbk03562821, 2018 : pbk03609020, 2019 : pbk03629376, 2020 : pbk03668502

  • 信州大学 附属図書館 中央図書館

    2010 : softcover059.3:W 88:AC0020833562, 2012 : pbk059.3:W 88:AC0025366022

  • 実践女子大学 図書館

    1994 : softcover031||W92A||19941B0100910, 2003 : softcover031||W92A||20031B0117313, 2005 : softcover031||W92A||20051B0121995

  • 実践女子大学 図書館英研

    2002 : softcover031||W92A||20021B0115296

  • 鈴鹿大学 附属図書館

    1994 : softcover350.9||W104117

  • 成蹊大学 図書館

    2007 : softcover050/1/20072007201077, 2008 : softcover050/1/20082008200495, 2009 : softcover050/1/20092008201680, 2007 : hardcover050/1/20072009400049, 2011 : softcover050/1/20112011200217, 2012 : pbk050||1||20122011202085, 2013 : pbk050||1||20132012202047, 2014 : pbk050||1||20142013201100, 2015 : pbk050||1||20152014201995, 2016 : pbk050||1||20162015200837, 2017 : pbk050||1||20172016200933, 2018 : pbk050||1||20182017201070, 2019 : pbk050||1||20192018201040, 2020 : pbk050||1||20202019200517

  • 聖徳大学 川並弘昭記念図書館

    1996 : softcoverR059/W88/199614012281, 2004 : softcover059/W88/200412453680, 2005 : hardcoverR059/W88/200512548524

  • 西南女学院大学 図書館

    1998 : softcover321000748, 1999 : softcover321001050, 2000 : softcover321001326, 2001 : softcover321001577, 2002 : softcover321001668, 2003 : softcover221001328, 2004 : softcover2210015580, 2005 : softcover2210021424, 2006 : softcover2210027722, 2007 : hardcover2210028040, 2008 : softcover221002857, 2009 : softcover221003114, 2010 : softcover221003255, 2011 : softcover221003687, 2012 : pbk221003688, 2013 : pbk221003812, 2014 : pbk221003892, 2015 : pbk221003970, 2016 : pbk221004040, 2017 : pbk221004194, 2018 : pbk221004241, 2019 : pbk221004307, 2020 : pbk221004349

  • 仙台大学 図書館

    1996 : hardcover000053394


  • 大東文化大学 図書館

    2005 : softcover1112694838, 2006 : softcover1112825754, 2007 : softcover1113156872, 2008 : softcover1113269189, 2009 : softcover1113419229

  • 津田塾大学 図書館

    2003 : softcoverR310/W927/2003110222735, 2004 : softcoverR310/W927/2004110226072, 2005 : softcoverR310/W927/2005110230691, 2006 : softcoverR310/W927/2006110233192, 2008 : softcoverR310/W927/2008110243177


  • 東海大学 熊本図書館 臨空

    2008 : hardcover059/W/2008178874, 2004 : hardcover059/W/2004169696

  • 東京海洋大学 附属図書館国際文化

    2001 : softcover059/W88200100225

  • 東京外国語大学 附属図書館

    1994 : softcoverK/059/3/940000209943, 1995 : softcoverK/059/3/950000411237, 1996 : softcoverK/059/3/960000148484, 1997 : softcoverK/059/3/970000194625, 1998 : softcoverK/059/3/980000211076, 1999 : softcoverK/059/3/990000230957, 2000 : softcoverK/059/3/20000000492499

  • 東京大学 柏図書館書庫

    2000 : pbk8410740651

  • 東京大学 駒場図書館アメ

    1994 : softcoverR317:W923750007423, 1995 : softcoverR317:W923750007431, 1996 : softcoverR317:W923750007449, 1997 : softcoverR317:W923750007456, 1998 : softcoverR317:W923710141510, 1999 : softcoverR317:W923710159082, 2000 : softcoverR317:W923710174750, 2001 : softcoverR317:W923710196258, 2002 : softcoverR317:W923710228762, 2003 : hardcoverR317:W923710238498, 2004 : hardcoverR317:W923710254503, 2005 : hardcoverR317:W923710271093, 2006 : hardcoverR317:W923710289657, 2007 : hardcoverR317:W923710300371, 2008 : hardcoverR317:W923710316179, 2009 : softcoverR317:W923710327473, 2010 : hardcoverR317:W923710334255, 2011 : softcoverR317:W923710340849, 2012 : softcoverR317:W923710348677, 2013 : pbkR317:W923710358064, 2014 : pbkR317:W923710366182, 2015 : pbkR317:W923710385679, 2016 : pbkR317:W923710393814, 2017 : pbkR317:W923710402383

  • 東京大学 駒場図書館駒場図

    1994 : softcover031:W927:943010345290, 1995 : softcover031:W927:953010380065, 1996 : softcover031:W927:963010440174, 1997 : softcover031:W927:973010487779, 1998 : softcover031:W927:983010540288, 1999 : softcover031:W927:993010591281, 2000 : softcover031:W927:20003010680555, 2001 : softcover031:W927:20013010701518, 2002 : softcover031:W927:20023010747768, 2003 : softcover031:W927:20033010798290, 2004 : softcover031:W927:20043011312216, 2005 : softcover031:W927:20053011459520, 2006 : softcover031:W927:20063011596925, 2007 : softcover031:W927:20073011926858, 2008 : softcover031:W927:20083012091868, 2009 : softcover031:W927:20093012285882, 2010 : softcover031:W927:20103012533448, 2011 : softcover031:W927:20113012873653, 2012 : pbk031:W927:20123013042407, 2013 : pbk031:W927:20133013233659, 2014 : pbk031:W927:20143013413806, 2015 : pbk031:W927:20153013574813, 2016 : pbk031:W927:20163013732148, 2017 : pbk031:W927:20173013911379, 2018 : pbk031:W927:20183014071678, 2019 : pbk031:W927:20193014224368, 2020 : pbk031:W927:20203014340396

  • 東北芸術工科大学 図書館



  • 東北公益文科大学 図書館本館

    2000 : hardcoverR||059||WO||20000120002155

  • 東北福祉大学 図書館

    2003 : hardcover0000078412, 2004 : hardcover0000080545, 2005 : hardcover0000089258, 2006 : hardcover0000101383, 2007 : hardcover0000111659, 2008 : hardcover0000122396, 2009 : softcover0000132559, 2010 : hardcover0000142745, 2011 : hardcover0000151505, 2012 : hardcover0000162016, 2013 : hardcover0000175373, 2014 : hardcover0000188852, 2015 : hardcover0000199464, 2016 : hardcover0000210113

  • 常磐大学 情報メディアセンター

    1994 : hardcover059-W00206293, 1995 : hardcover059-W00212691, 1996 : hardcover059-W00215834, 1997 : hardcover059-W00224707, 1998 : hardcover059-W00238568, 1999 : hardcover059-W00244928, 2000 : hardcover059-W00252284, 2001 : hardcover059-W00258016, 2002 : hardcover059-W00264859, 2003 : hardcover059-W00276634, 2004 : hardcover059-W00279516, 2005 : hardcover059-W00287683, 2006 : hardcover059-W00296707, 2007 : hardcover059-W00306078, 2008 : hardcover059-W00313824, 2009 : softcover059-W00322323, 2010 : softcover059-W00330203, 2011 : softcover059/W00336387, 2012 : pbk059/W00343346, 2015 : pbk059/W00374118, 2016 : pbk059/W00374119, 2017 : pbk059/W00374120

  • 常葉大学 附属図書館(瀬名)

    1995 : softcover059//W88//'95T099700*, 2002 : softcover059||W88||20021101421946, 2004 : softcover059/W88/20041109013278

  • 独立行政法人 国際交流基金 関西国際センター 図書館

    2005 : hardcover00037690, 2006 : hardcover00038735, 2007 : hardcover00041616, 2008 : softcover00044122, 2009 : softcover00047872, 2011 : softcover00049280

  • 長崎外国語大学 教育研究メディアセンター

    1995 : softcover059/W88/19950004269, 2010 : softcover059/W88/20100133093, 2012 : pbk059/W88/20120140818

  • 長崎大学 附属図書館

    2005 : softcover059||20051829133

  • 名古屋学院大学 学術情報センター

    2006 : softcover059/33000276575, 2007 : softcover059/33000290713, 2008 : softcover059/33000300150, 2009 : softcover059/33000309441, 2010 : softcover059/33000317096, 2011 : softcover059/33000326719, 2012 : pbk059/33000332255, 2013 : pbk059/33000342520, 2014 : pbk059/33000349350, 2015 : pbk059/33000361289, 2016 : pbk059/33000365144, 2017 : hardcover059/33000373043, 2018 : pbk059/33000381242, 2019 : pbk059/33000393858, 2020 : pbk059/33000401327

  • 名寄市立大学 図書館

    2013 : pbk059||W||20130107748

  • 奈良教育大学 図書館

    2010 : softcover059||291201029206

  • 奈良県立図書情報館一般

    2006 : softcover059-Wor211007008, 2009 : softcover059-Wor211009213, 2010 : softcover059-Wor211009212, 2011 : softcover059-Wor211011588, 2017 : pbk059-Wor211015033

  • 奈良大学 図書館

    1997 : softcover059/W88/97159758

  • 新潟大学 附属図書館

    1999 : softcover059//W88//19993980041490

  • 日本国際学園大学 附属図書館

    2012 : pbk059/W88/201202011400006(研)


  • 日本大学 工学部図書館

    1997 : softcoverR 059||W 88||(97)E9700762

  • ノートルダム清心女子大学 附属図書館

    2010 : hardcoverR051/W/20102201000350

  • 阪南大学 図書館

    1995 : softcover2100015107, 2004 : hardcover7000018396, 2007 : softcover6000115931, 2008 : hardcover6100016127, 2009 : softcover6100019076, 2010 : hardcover6100020619, 2013 : hardcover6100029694

  • 姫路大学 附属図書館

    2012 : pbk059||THE||20120027613


  • 姫路獨協大学 附属図書館

    1994 : softcoverT162201*, 1995 : hardcoverH158441*, 1996 : softcoverH175360*, 1997 : softcoverH193550*, 1998 : softcoverH206030*, 1999 : hardcoverT856842*, 2001 : hardcoverT856843*

  • 広島経済大学 図書館

    1998 : softcover00142820, 2001 : softcover00197583, 2002 : hardcover00214842, 2004 : hardcover00244465, 2005 : hardcover00257447, 2006 : hardcover00269278, 2007 : hardcover00281251, 2008 : hardcover00295064, 2009 : softcover01006445, 2012 : hardcover01037869, 2013 : hardcover01047306, 2014 : hardcover01056680, 2015 : hardcover01064811, 2016 : hardcover01071970, 2017 : hardcover01079387, 2018 : hardcover01086262, 2019 : hardcover01092317, 2020 : hardcover01098100

  • 広島修道大学 図書館

    1994 : softcover059/W 881930193020, 1996 : softcover059/W 881950174960, 1998 : softcover059/W 881980001570, 2008 : softcover059/W 880800019752, 2010 : softcover059/W 880900010674

  • 広島市立大学 附属図書館

    1998 : softcoverR059WO980001913415, 2007 : softcoverR059WO070002959085, 2008 : softcoverR059WO080002986463, 2010 : softcoverR059WO100003064627, 2011 : softcoverR059WO110003072103

  • 広島女学院大学 図書館

    2005 : hardcover059.3/Wor198024

  • 広島大学 図書館 中央図書館

    2010 : hardcover059:W-88:20100100503271

  • 福岡県立大学 附属図書館

    2010 : softcover059/W88/2010030138034, 2011 : softcover059/W88/2011030140815


  • 福岡工業大学 附属図書館図書館

    1996 : softcoverH504865*

  • 福岡大学 図書館

    1994 : softcover059.53/W880109706280102, 1995 : softcover059.53/W88010989825010X, 1996 : softcover059.53/W880110440590107, 1997 : softcover059.53/W880110842280100, 1998 : softcover059.53/W880200092550124, 1999 : softcover059.53/W880111620960100, 2000 : softcover059.53/W880111935990100, 2001 : softcover059.53/W880112186080100, 2002 : softcover059.53/W880112645280100, 2002 : hardcover059.53/W880200099150121, 2003 : softcover059.53/W880113086630100, 2004 : softcover059.53/W880113283510100, 2005 : softcover059.53/W880113585560100, 2006 : softcover059.53/W882000000009954, 2007 : softcover059.53/W882000000044741, 2008 : softcover059.53/W882000000093862, 2009 : softcover059.53/W882000000108478, 2017 : pbk059.53/W882000000339856, 2019 : pbk059.53/W882000000384643

  • 福島大学 附属図書館

    1994 : softcover059/W88W/9419308839, 1994 : hardcover059/W88W/9519408709, 1995 : softcover059/W88W/9619511681, 1995 : hardcover059/W88W/9719607379, 1997 : softcover059/W88W/9619510142, 1998 : hardcover059/W88W/9819710054, 1999 : hardcover059/W88W/9919810461, 2000 : hardcover059/W88W/200010002643, 2002 : softcover059/W88W/200110008112, 2003 : softcoverR059/W88w/200310206584, 2004 : softcoverR059/W88w/200410311394, 2005 : softcoverR059/W88w/200510407588, 2006 : softcoverR059/W88w/200610507002, 2007 : softcoverR059/W88w/200710606198, 2008 : softcoverR059||W88w||200810703639, 2009 : softcoverR059||W88w||200910804778, 2010 : softcoverR059/W88w/201010907654, 2011 : softcoverR059/W88w/201111100669, 2012 : pbkR059/W88w/201211105897, 2013 : pbk11206479, 2014 : pbk11310959, 2015 : pbk11408545, 2016 : pbk11503768, 2017 : pbk11603545

  • 佛教大学 附属図書館

    1996 : hardcover1108246

  • 文京学院大学 本郷図書館

    2003 : softcoverR059||W88||2003520007237


  • 別府大学 附属図書館

    2007 : softcover9787140, 2008 : softcover059||WOR||20089848847


  • ベルリン日独センターBIBL

    2003 : softcover059.Wor, 2004 : softcover059.Wor, 2005 : softcover059.Wor, 2006 : softcover059.Wor, 2007 : softcover059.Wor


  • 法政大学 図書館市図

    2005 : hardcover059/4/0510302001338575, 2006 : hardcover059/4/0610302001378941, 2007 : hardcover059/4/0710302001481718, 2008 : hardcover059/4/0810302001510866, 2009 : softcover059/4/0910302001545031, 2010 : hardcover059/4/1010302001582280, 2011 : hardcover059/4/1110302001622850, 2012 : hardcover059/4/1210302001661767, 2013 : hardcover059/4/1321021000028782, 2014 : hardcover059/4/1421021000056808, 2015 : hardcover059/4/1521021000076701, 2016 : hardcover059/4/1621021000095170, 2017 : hardcover059/4/1721021000115421, 2018 : hardcover059/4/1821021000132180, 2019 : hardcover059/4/1921021000151444, 2020 : hardcover059/4/2021021000171763

  • 放送大学 附属図書館

    2013 : pbk059/W88/201311118659674, 2015 : pbk059/W88/201511118910348

  • 北海商科大学 付属図書館札幌

    2010 : softcover059||WOR||2010||015271015271, 2014 : hardcover059||WOR||2014||312266


  • 防衛省防衛大学校 総合情報図書館

    2011 : softcover059.3-W893-1110400683, 2012 : hardcover059.3-W893-1211400837, 2015 : pbk059.3-W893-1517400029, 2016 : hardcover059.3-W893-1616400179, 2017 : hardcover059.3-W893-1717400030, 2018 : hardcover059.3-W893-1818400029, 2019 : hardcover059.3-W893-1919400051, 2020 : pbk059.3-W893-2020400216


  • 防衛省防衛研究所 図書館

    2005 : hardcover059/W001136571


  • 三重大学 附属図書館

    1994 : softcover059.3/W 88/9469311508, 1995 : softcover059.3/WORLD/9569411708, 1996 : softcover059.3/WORLD/9669513317, 1997 : softcover059.3/W 88/97/R69610444, 1998 : softcover059.3/W 88/98/R69708338, 1999 : softcover059.3/W 88/99/R69810029, 2000 : softcover059.3/W 88/2000/R70003730, 2001 : softcover059.3/W 88/2001/R70011103, 2002 : softcover059.3/W 88/2002/R70113651, 2003 : softcover059.3/W 88/2003/R70210585, 2004 : softcover059.3/W 88/2004/R50309150, 2005 : softcover059.3/W 88/200550507733, 2006 : softcover059.3/W 88/200650507194, 2007 : softcover059.3/W 88/200750608213, 2008 : softcover059.3/W 88/200850706714, 2009 : softcover059.3/W 88/200950810312, 2010 : softcover059.3/W 88/201050910649, 2011 : softcover059.3/W 88/201151100689, 2012 : pbk059.3/W 88/201251110171, 2013 : pbk059.3/W 88/201351208656, 2014 : pbk059.3/W 88/201451308089, 2015 : pbk059.3/W 88/201551409213, 2016 : pbk059.3/W 88/201651506175, 2017 : pbk059.3/W 88/201751605017, 2018 : pbk059.3/W 88/201851704913, 2019 : pbk059.3/W 88/201951805507, 2020 : pbk059.3/W 88/202051903128

  • 宮城大学 学術情報センター

    1997 : softcover059Y||W||97000026943, 1998 : softcover059Y||W||98000044534, 2014 : pbk059Y||W||14000117221

  • 宮崎公立大学 附属図書館

    2011 : softcover059||W88||2011


  • 宮崎大学 附属図書館

    2003 : softcoverR059||W88||200300036102

  • 武庫川女子大学 附属図書館

    2002 : softcover1001917, 2003 : softcover1007920, 2004 : softcover1015897, 2005 : softcover059||WO2010950, 2006 : softcover059||WO2021020, 2007 : softcover059||WO2030122, 2011 : softcover059||WO2072763

  • 武蔵野大学 武蔵野図書館

    2017 : hardcover12062552

  • 明治学院大学 図書館

    2000 : softcover050:W0106136591, 2001 : softcover050:W0106182603, 2002 : softcover050:W0106254873, 2003 : softcover050:W0106304363, 2004 : softcover050:W0106356793, 2005 : softcover050:W0106397714, 2006 : softcover050:W0106438740, 2007 : softcover050:W0106492572, 2008 : softcover050:W0106538598, 2009 : softcover050:W0106580434, 2010 : softcover050:W0106637127, 2011 : softcover050:W0106704703, 2012 : pbk050:W0106728744, 2013 : pbk050:W0106772957, 1994050:W0105562292, 1995050:W0105654933, 1996050:W0105734743, 1997050:W0105817480, 1998050:W0105892871, 1999050:W0106025315, 2014 : pbk050:W0106805955, 2015 : pbk050:W0106861685, 2016 : pbk050:W0106903792, 2017 : pbk050:W0106937220, 2018 : pbk050:W0106957186, 2019 : pbk050:W0106981335, 2020 : pbk050:W0107007262

  • 目白大学 新宿図書館

    1998 : hardcover059//WT139068*

  • 桃山学院大学 附属図書館

    1994 : softcover00371688, 1995 : softcover00387169, 1996 : softcover00405948, 1997 : softcover00428803, 1998 : softcover00459446, 1999 : softcover00479185, 2000 : softcover00524534, 2001 : softcover00530224, 2002 : softcover00566285, 2003 : softcover00588393, 2004 : softcover00604707, 2005 : softcover00622788, 2006 : softcover00638084, 2007 : softcover00652808, 2008 : softcover00670114, 2009 : softcover00691070, 2010 : softcover00705863, 2011 : softcover00729423, 2012 : pbk00736646

  • 安田女子大学 図書館

    1994 : softcover110758, 1997 : softcover133619, 1998 : softcover144017, 2005 : softcover198811

  • 横浜市立大学 学術情報センター

    1998 : hardcover059||6||98006572311

  • 立教大学 図書館

    1999 : hardcover41004691

  • 琉球大学 附属図書館

    2001 : softcover059||WO||20012013402631

  • 龍谷大学 瀬田図書館

    1997 : hardcover39900045331

  • 龍谷大学 深草図書館

    2008 : softcover10800004950, 2010 : softcover11200031803

  • 麗澤大学 図書館

    1999 : softcover059.3/W88/1999000368447

  • 該当する所蔵館はありません
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1993以前は別書誌 <BA01437755>

Publisher varies: World Almanac Books, 1997-

Includes indexes



1996 : softcover ISBN 9780886877804


Since 1886, The World Almanac has remained the world's most authoritative and indispensable reference book. The completely revised and updated 1996 edition has more features and information than ever before. From complete coverage of the U.S. government, including actions of the 104th Congress, to a new section on computers to "1995 in Pictures", all the facts are here, plus graphs, tables, charts, and more. of color photos, maps, & flags.

2000 : softcover ISBN 9780886878474


The World Almanac is the source for information. No other almanac comes close to matching its authority and breadth of coverage. Packed with facts and figures, it's the only almanac millions of people turn to every year.The World Almanac 2000 continues the 132-year tradition of providing up-to-date information on every subject imaginable in an inexpensive and easy-to-use format. Highlights include: -- 16 additional pages of information -- the biggest edition ever published, including more graphs and charts type in key sections -- The 20th Century in Pictures: full-color section presenting photo highlights of the 20th century -- Countdown to the continuation of the three-year World Almanac exclusive coming millennium, including special articles by noted experts, a feature on the "Y2K" computer problem, a calendar of key millennium dates and events, and millennium feature boxes throughout the book -- A preview of the 2000 elections and a look ahead at what to expect from the 2000 census -- Expanded Internet information, including the largest collection of Web site addresses found in any almanac, plus a handy guide to the Internet and a directory of essential E-mail addresses In addition to the paperback edition, The World Almanac 2000 is available in a special Large Format Hardcover Edition that offers an expanded page format and larger, easier-to-read type. Containing the exact same in-depth, extensive coverage as the paperback edition, it also offers: -- The Large Format Hardcover Edition is a high quality gift for the World Almanac enthusiast on everyone's holiday list -- Expanded 7" x 10" page format -- Larger type -- Deluxe 50 lb. text stock --Colorful protective dust jacket

2000 : hardcover ISBN 9780886878481


The World Almanac is the source for information. No other almanac comes close to matching its authority and breadth of coverage. Packed with facts and figures, it's the only almanac millions of people turn to every year.The World Almanac 2000 continues the 132-year tradition of providing up-to-date information on every subject imaginable in an inexpensive and easy-to-use format. Highlights include: -- 16 additional pages of information -- the biggest edition ever published, including more graphs and charts type in key sections -- The 20th Century in Pictures: full-color section presenting photo highlights of the 20th century -- Countdown to the continuation of the three-year World Almanac exclusive coming millennium, including special articles by noted experts, a feature on the "Y2K" computer problem, a calendar of key millennium dates and events, and millennium feature boxes throughout the book -- A preview of the 2000 elections and a look ahead at what to expect from the 2000 census -- Expanded Internet information, including the largest collection of Web site addresses found in any almanac, plus a handy guide to the Internet and a directory of essential E-mail addresses -- In addition to the paperback edition, The World Almanac 2000 is available in a special Large Format Hardcover Edition that offers an expanded page format and larger, easier-to-read type. Containing the exact same in-depth, extensive coverage as the paperback edition, it also offers: -- The Large Format Hardcover Edition is a high quality gift for the World Almanac enthusiast on everyone's holiday list -- Expanded 7" x 10" page format -- Larger type -- Deluxe 50 lb. text stock -- Colorful protective dust jacket

2001 : softcover ISBN 9780886878627


Offers comprehensive facts, figures, and explanations of the events, people, and places in the news, with original articles on recent issues and topics.

2001 : hardcover ISBN 9780886878634


Chosen by Library Journal as one of the five best reference books of the second millennium, The World Almanac remains an indispensable source for quick information on every subject imaginable Now entering its third century of publication, The World Almanac 2001 is as up to date as today's headlines, and it remains the world's most comprehensive and authoritative annual information source. Completely revised from first page to last, highlights for 2001 include: -- 2000 Election Coverage: Complete results and analysis of all major fall 2000 elections -- federal, state and local -- Summer Olympics: Comprehensive coverage of the 2000 summer games in Sydney, Australia -- 2000 Census: A look at what to expect from the 2000 census -- New Day-By-Day Features: More information on the Year in Review -- The Year in Pictures: A World Almanac exclusive, a 16-page full-color photo section with highlights of the most dramatic events of the year The World Almanac 2001 is also available in a special deluxe, large format hardcover edition.

2002 : softcover ISBN 9780886878726


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2003 : softcover ISBN 9780886878825


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2004 : softcover ISBN 9780886879105


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2006 : softcover ISBN 9780886879648


Providing more than 1,000 pages of facts and figures (including 32 pages in color), this edition also includes a major feature story on China, new section on the year's health news, a review of the Tsunami tragedy, and up-to-date maps and geography information.

2010 : softcover ISBN 9781600571237


This is the new edition of America's top-selling reference book of all time. "The World Almanac[registered] and Book of Facts" is America's top-selling reference book of all time, with more than 80 million copies sold. Published annually since 1868, this compendium of information is the source for all your entertainment, reference, and learning needs - making it a great gift for everyone from recent grads to general knowledge buffs. Praised as a 'treasure trove of political, economic, scientific and educational statistics and information' by the "Wall Street Journal", the "The World Almanac[registered]" contains thousands of facts that are unavailable publicly elsewhere - in fact, it has been featured as a category on "Jeopardy!" and is routinely used as a goto general study guide for aspiring game show contestants. The 2010 edition of "The World Almanac[registered] and Book of Facts" will answer all your trivia questions - from history and sports to geography, pop culture, and much more. Perfect for trivia lovers of any age or those in need of reliable information fast, this title is a well-known, authoritative reference for any fact or statistic across hundreds of topics. It's perfect addition to anyone's home, office, or school library. Notable features of this title include: 2009 Time Capsule; the Bush Legacy; Swine Flu Coverage; Decade in Review; U.S. Colleges and Universities; Population Statistics for Cities over 10,000 People; the World at a Glance; Offbeat News Stories; World Series Results; and, Year in Pictures.

2010 : hardcover ISBN 9781600571268


"The World Almanac and Book of Facts" is America's top-selling reference book of all time, with more than 80 million copies sold. Published annually since 1868, this compendium of information is the source for all your entertainment, reference, and learning needs. Labeled a 'treasure trove of political, economic, scientific and educational statistics and information' by the "Wall Street Journal", the almanac contains thousands of facts that are unavailable publicly elsewhere, making it a must-have for students, teachers, and anyone with a thirst for knowledge-in fact, it has been featured as a category on Jeopardy and is routinely used as a go-to general study guide for aspiring game show contestants. Coming soon in a 2010 edition and boasting full-color and black-and-white photographs, "The World Almanac and Book of Facts" will answer all your trivia questions-spanning a wide range of categories, including history, sports, geography, pop culture, and much more. Notable features include: 2009 Time Capsule; The Bush Legacy; Swine Flu Coverage; Decade in Review; U.S. Colleges and Universities; Population Statistics for Cities over 10,000 People; The World at a Glance; Offbeat News Stories; World Series Results; and, Year in Pictures.

2011 : hardcover ISBN 9781600571336


'The World Almanac and Book of Facts 2011' provides a complete overview of recent world events, describing diverse areas of public interest such as politics, entertainment, science and technology, and sport.

2011 : softcover ISBN 9781600571343


'The World Almanac and Book of Facts 2011' provides a complete overview of recent world events, describing diverse areas of public interest such as politics, entertainment, science and technology, and sport.

2012 : hardcover ISBN 9781600571473


The World Almanac and Book of Facts is America's top-selling reference book of all time, with more than 80 million copies sold. Published annually since 1868, this compendium of information is the authoritative source for all your entertainment, reference, and learning needs. Praised as a "treasure trove of political, economic, scientific and educational statistics and information" by The Wall Street Journal, The World Almanac contains thousands of facts that are unavailable publicly elsewhere--in fact, it has been featured as a category on Jeopardy! and is routinely used as a go-to, all-encompassing guide for aspiring game show contestants. Teachers can use this fascinating reference to teach both skimming and scanning techniques. The 2012 edition of The World Almanac and Book of Facts will answer all of your trivia questions--from history and sports to geography, pop culture, and much more.

2012 : pbk ISBN 9781600571480


'The World Almanac and Book of Facts 2012' provides a complete overview of recent world events, describing diverse areas of public interest such as politics, entertainment, science and technology, and sport.

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    • 9781600572203
    • 9781600572302
    • 9781600572289
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  • 出版地
    New York
  • ページ数/冊数
  • 大きさ
    21-26 cm
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