Linear induction drives


Linear induction drives

Jacek F. Gieras

(Monographs in electrical and electronic engineering, 30)

Clarendon Press , Oxford University Press, 1994

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 6



Includes bibliographical references and index



This work gives a complete review of linear induction drives. Particular emphasis is given to their design, construction, and practical application. Both state-of-the-art computer aided design methods and practical estimation methods for main dimensions and performance calculations are presented so that engineers can both generate accurate designs and test their preliminary ideas. Other practical problems discussed include those relating to variable-speed linear drives, power conditioning, and control methods. Testing techniques are also outlined. This book is addressed to practical electrical engineers involved in the design and construction of linear induction drives. It will also be valuable to mechanical engineers, who use the drives in other machines (e.g. machine took industry) and to graduate level students of electrical machine engineering.


  • 1. Review of constructions
  • 2. Applications
  • 3. Electromagnetic effects
  • 4. Flat and tubular motors
  • 5. Analysis of linear drives
  • 6. Inverter-fed motors
  • 7. Design
  • 8. Experimental tests
  • References
  • Index

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