Bringing it all back home : class, gender, and power in the modern household


Bringing it all back home : class, gender, and power in the modern household

Harriet Fraad, Stephen Resnick and Richard Wolff

(New directions/rethinking Marxism)

Pluto Press, c1994

  • : hbk
  • : pbk

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 20



Includes bibliographical references (p. 152-163) and index



: hbk ISBN 9780745307077


An analysis of relationships between men and women that benefits from the rich traditions of feminism and Marxism, and yet is free from the economic, political and other determinisms that have been so ubiquitous in those traditions. Drawing on new feminist and Marxian theories, the authors connect the relationships of class, gender and power inside modern households. The resulting new theory establishes the initimate arena of the household as a centrally important object of contemporary social analysis.


  • For every knight in shining armour, there's a castle to be cleaned
  • comments and rejoinder on chapter one
  • anorexia nervosa and the female body politic
  • the Regan-Bush strategy: crisis averted, crisis provoked.

: pbk ISBN 9780745307084


Bringing It All Back Home uses the intimate arena of the household as the unique setting for a groundbreaking study of the relationships between class, gender and power today. The authors - and the feminist scholars who offered responses to their critique - integrate the rich traditions of Marxism and feminism, and more recent developments in Marxian theory and Lacanian psychoanalysis, to theorise a new approach to the contemporary crisis of the family.


  • For every knight in shining armour, there's a castle to be cleaned
  • comments and rejoinder on chapter one
  • anorexia nervosa and the female body politic
  • the Regan-Bush strategy: crisis averted, crisis provoked.

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