Correlation effects in low-dimensional electron systems : proceedings of the 16th Taniguchi Symposium, Kashikojima, Japan, October 25-29, 1993


Correlation effects in low-dimensional electron systems : proceedings of the 16th Taniguchi Symposium, Kashikojima, Japan, October 25-29, 1993

A. Okiji, N. Kawakami (eds.)

(Springer series in solid-state sciences, 118)

Springer-Verlag, c1994

  • : gw
  • : us

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 52



Includes bibliographical references and index



Correlation Effects in Low-Dimensional Electron Systems describes recent developments in theoretical condensed-matter physics, emphasizing exact solutions in one dimension including conformal-field theoretical approaches, the application of quantum groups, and numerical diagonalization techniques. Various key properties are presented for two-dimensional, highly correlated electron systems. Instructive reviews written by leading experts in theoretical condensed-matter physics on correlation effects in low-dimensional electron systems are collected in this volume. With special emphasis placed on the exact treatment of one-dimensional systems and applications of numerical results to two-dimensional systems, the reader learns about recent progress in theory and numerical calculation techniques.

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