Ethnic nationalism and regional conflict : the former Soviet Union and Yugoslavia


Ethnic nationalism and regional conflict : the former Soviet Union and Yugoslavia

edited by W. Raymond Duncan and G. Paul Holman, Jr.

Westview Press, 1994

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 27




The collapse of the Soviet empire has shown the tremendous power of ethnic nationalism in world politics today. This book explores the nature and dimensions of the ongoing ethnic-nationalist conflicts in the former USSR and Yugoslavia gauging their current and potential impact on the region, on international security and on US foreign policy.


  • Part 1 Ethnic nationalism and regional conflict - an introduction: ethnic nationalism in the post-Cold War order, W. Taymond Duncan and G. Paul Holman, Jr. Part 2 Ethnic nationalism and regional conflict - the former Soviet Union and Yugoslavia case studies: Yugoslavia's break-up, W.R. Duncan
  • world turned upside down - ethnic conflict in the former Soviet Union, Wayne P. Limberg
  • "O patria mia" - national conflict in mountainous Karabagh, Audrey L. Alstadt
  • central Asia - prospects for ethnic and nationalist conflict, Mal Helgesen
  • ethnic relations and conflict in the Baltic states, Toivo U. Ruan. Part 3 Security implications and conclusion: security implications, W.R. Duncan and G.P. Holman, Jr.

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