An introduction to the electronic, magnetic and structural properties


An introduction to the electronic, magnetic and structural properties

J.A.C. Bland, B. Heinrich (eds.)

(Ultrathin magnetic structures, 1)

Springer, c1994

  • : New York : alk. paper
  • : Berlin : alk. paper
  • : New York : second printing

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 33



Includes bibliographical references and index



: New York : second printing ISBN 9783540219552


The ability to understand and control the unique properties of interfaces has created an entirely new field of magnetism, with profound impact in technology and serving as the basis for a revolution in electronics. Our understanding of the physics of magnetic nanostructures has also advanced significantly. This rapid development has generated a need for a comprehensive treatment that can serve as an introduction to the field for those entering it from diverse fields, but which will also serve as a timely overview for those already working in this area. The four-volume work Ultra-Thin Magnetic Structures aims to fulfill this dual need. The original two volumes - now available once more - are An Introduction to the Electronic, Magnetic and Structural Properties (this volume) and "Measurement Techniques and Novel Magnetic Properties." Two new volumes, "Fundamentals of Nanomagnetism" and "Applications of Nanomagnetism," extend and complete this comprehensive work by presenting the foundations of spintronics.


Magnetic Anisotropy, Magnetization and Band Structure.- Thermodynamic Properties of Ultrathin Ferromagnetic Films.- Spin-Polarized Spectroscopies.- Epitaxial Growth of Metallic Structures.- Polarized Neutron Reflection.

: Berlin : alk. paper ISBN 9783540574071


Ultrathin magnetic structures offer a host of possibilities in high density recording media. This volume presents comprehensive descriptions of the physical properties, structure and methods of studying these thin magnetic layers.

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