Framebreak : the radical redesign of American business


Framebreak : the radical redesign of American business

Ian I. Mitroff, Richard O. Mason, Christine M. Pearson

(The Jossey-Bass management series)

Jossey-Bass Publishers, c1994

1st ed

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 10



Includes bibliographical references (p. [141]-149) and index



This bold and thought-provoking challenge to American business explains how by breaking the frame of outdated organizational forms, businesses can break free of the systemic forces holding them back and face the complex ethical demands of business now and in the twenty-first century. Proposes a strikingly new and different design for organizations based on four key dimensions of business life and success: knowledge and learning, recovery and development, service and spirituality, and operations.


Part One: Business Not As Usual. 1. The Demise of the Modern Organization. 2. A Vision of the New Organization. Part Two: The New Order of Business. 3. Knowledge and Learning. 4. Recovery and Development. 5. World Service and Spirituality. 6. World-Class Operations. Part Three: The New Spirit of Business. 7. Radical Steps Toward a Radical Redesign. 8. Total Ethical Management

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