Invitation to the natural physics of matter, space, and radiation


    • Simhony, M. (Menahem)


Invitation to the natural physics of matter, space, and radiation

M. Simhony

World Scientific, c1994

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 5




Experiments since 1911 prove that the distance between nuclear particles constituting atomic bodies is a hundred thousand times larger than the diameters of these particles. Hence the volumes of all atomic bodies including ourselves are space-like empty, a hundred times more empty than the volume of the solar system. Scores of experiments also prove that space contains electrons and positrons bound to each other by energies of a million electron volts per pair, and form a cubic lattice, named the epola.Based on the epola model of space, this book reveals the physical nature of inertia, gravitation, the spreading of electromagnetic and gravitational actions in space with the velocity of light, and derives their laws. The postulates of quantum and relativity theories are also derived and turned into explainable physical laws. Thus physics is restored as the natural science it had been before it was turned into a science of axiomatic statements and calculations.The book will appeal both to serious scientists and students as well as the general reader interested in scientific explanations of the physical world. Since as a natural science physics deals with the simplest and most basic natural phenomena, this book will be as accessible to the general public as biology books.


  • Matter, space and natural physics
  • basic characteristics of physical bodies
  • weight and mass of physical bodies
  • densities of matter
  • densities and structure of matter
  • about physics and other natural sciences
  • physical explanations in physics
  • mathematical and scholastic models in physics
  • assessments and interpretations of experiments
  • the electron positron lattice (Epola) structure of space
  • fundamental physical interactions and the interacton-carrying space
  • the electromagnetic interaction and the electro-magneto-gravitational (EMG) field
  • bulk deformation waves in bodies
  • velocities of bulk deformation waves and the "mass-energy equivalence" deception
  • spectral compostion and nature of light
  • stability and radiation of atoms
  • velocities of atomic bodies and of nuclear particles and of nuclear particles in the Epola
  • frequency effects and velocities in wave propagation
  • astrophysical aspects of the Epola structure of space
  • cosmological aspects of the Epola structure of space.

「Nielsen BookData」 より


  • ISBN
    • 9810216491
  • 出版国コード
  • タイトル言語コード
  • 出版地
  • ページ数/冊数
    xx, 271 p.
  • 大きさ
    23 cm