Psychiatric-legal decision making by the mental health practitioner : the clinician as de facto magistrate


Psychiatric-legal decision making by the mental health practitioner : the clinician as de facto magistrate

edited by Harvey Bluestone, Sheldon Travin, Douglas B. Marlowe

(Einstein psychiatry publication, no. 9)

Wiley, c1994


Psychiatric legal decision making by the mental health pratitioner

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 18



"A Wiley-Interscience publication."

Includes bibliographical references and indexes



With the law impinging more and more on psychiatric practice, this invaluable reference enables practitioners to function confidently and effectively by explaining the legal and ethical aspects of their work. Deals with practical decisions involving legal ramifications that psychiatrists are called upon to make in their daily practice. Contains relevant background information on these matters so these decision makers can be better informed.


Partial table of contents: BASIC PRINCIPLES. The de facto Magistrate: Psycholegal Decision Making in Clinical Practice (D. Marlowe). Ethics and Decision Making in Psychiatric Practice in General Hospitals (R. Macklin). PSYCHIATRIC EMERGENCY AND INPATIENT SERVICES. Emergency Room Psychiatric Care in the General Hospital: Major Psychiatric-Legal Considerations (S. Travin). Retention and Treatment Issues on the Psychiatric Inpatient Unit (S. Rachlin). OUTPATIENT SERVICES. Forensic Problems Encountered in the Practice of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (R. Vela, et al.). Ethical and Forensic Considerations in Substance Abuse Treatment (H. Lee & H. Bluestone). SPECIAL CATEGORIES. AIDS and Psychiatry in the General Hospital: Legal and Ethical Dilemmas (G. Upadhya & H. Bluestone). Child Abuse Reporting in the General Hospital (L. Cahill, et al.). Indexes.

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