Computational modeling in semiconductor processing


    • Meyyappan, M.


Computational modeling in semiconductor processing

M. Meyyappan, editor

(The Artech House materials science library)

Artech House, c1995

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 5



Includes bibliographical references and index



This text provides coverage of the models, governing equations and numerical techniques suitable for process simulation. It concentrates on such areas as chemical vapour deposition, metal-organic chemical vapour deposition, plasma processing, rapid thermal processing and crystal growth, as well as defining the basic principles of transport phenomena, gas phase and surface reactions in electronics materials processing. In addition, it explains how to apply practical numerical techniques used in process simulation, and presents the numerical methods necessary to produce simulation codes. The work is intended for those new to the field of process and equipment simulation in electronics materials processing, and also for the experienced modeller. It also contains coverage suitable for graduate students in materials science, and chemical, mechanical and electrical engineering.


  • A review of numerical methods
  • crystal growth
  • chemical vapour deposition processes
  • plasma modelling processes
  • rapid thermal processing.

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