Practical guide to infrared microspectroscopy


Practical guide to infrared microspectroscopy

edited by Howard J. Humecki

(Practical spectroscopy, v. 19)

Marcel Dekker, c1995

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 5



Includes bibliographical references and index



This work represents a sound introduction to the fundamental principles of infrared microspectroscopy (IMS). It describes how IMS is used to solve specific microanalytical problems in a variety of disciplines, including forensic analysis, art conservation, and geological, pharmaceutical and electronics research. The book discusses when and how to use special techniques such as line scanning, 3-dimensional imaging and attenuated total reflection and grazing-angle spectroscopy.


  • Minimizing optical nonlinearities in infrared microspectroscopy
  • uniting microscopy and spectroscopy
  • infrared microimaging
  • application of reflectance microspectroscopy in the electronics industry
  • depth profiling and defect analysis of films and laminates - an industrial approach
  • infrared microspectroscopy of forensic paint evidence
  • forensic examination of textile fibers by infrared microspectroscopy
  • infrared microspectroscopy analysis of cultural artifacts
  • pharmaceutical applications of infrared microspectroscopy
  • infrared microspectroscopy in the geosciences with emphasis on long wavelengths and high pressures
  • unique preparation techniques for nanogram samples
  • sample preparation techniques for microsamples.

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