Interfaces in crystalline materials


Interfaces in crystalline materials

A.P. Sutton and R.W. Balluffi

(Monographs on the physics and chemistry of materials, 51)

Clarendon Press , Oxford University, 1995

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 22



Includes bibliographical references



The study of interfaces within and between materials is central to materials science research. For example, interfaces play an important role in many of the mechanical and electrical properties of materials, phase transformations, and material microstructures. This book provides an outstanding overview of the subject, with broad treatments of all aspects of the structure, thermodynamics, kinetics, and properties of interfaces in crystalline materials. Throughout, the authors emphasize conceptual foundations through the exposition of simple models and descriptions of key experimental observations. With Interfaces in Crystalline Materials in hand, students in materials science, crystallography, and condensed matter physics have a comprehensive and unified survey of the subject at their disposal.


  • The geometry of interfaces
  • Dislocation for interfaces
  • Models of interatomic forces at interfaces
  • Models and experimental observations of structure
  • Thermodynamics of interfaces
  • Interface phases and phase transitions
  • Segregation of solute atoms to interfaces
  • Diffusion at interfaces
  • Conservative motion of interfaces
  • Non-conservative motion of interfaces: interfaces as sources/sinks for diffusional fluxes of atoms
  • Electronic properties of interfaces
  • Mechanical properties of interfaces.

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