Developmental social psychology : from infancy to old age


Developmental social psychology : from infancy to old age

Kevin Durkin

Blackwell, 1995

  • : hard
  • : pbk

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 56



Bibliographical references: p. [655]-756

Includes indexes



: hard ISBN 9780631148289


Developmental psychology and social psychology have traditionally been regarded as two virtually independent disciplines, with specialists in one only occasionally considering their work in relation to the concerns of the other. In spite of the interest in both disciplines in new areas of research such as social cognition, there have been few attempts to summarize this growing field for undergraduates. This new textbook provides a comprehensive introduction to developmental social psychology, drawing on the achievements of both parent disciplines. Taking a primarily topic-based approach, it emphasises the social contexts of development and the developmental aspects of social interaction. Topics covered range from the early integration of the child in the social world, through the individual's progressively complex interactions with other people and institutions, to social adjustments in the latter stages of the lifespan. Throughout, an international approach is adopted, drawing on sources from North American, European and Australasian literatures, and featuring a wide range of cross cultural examples.


  • Introduction - what is developmental and social psychology?
  • early social performance and the development of attachments
  • child and family
  • the development and self
  • communication and language
  • interpersonal relations in childhood
  • sex roles
  • social cognition I - the social context of cognitive development
  • social cognition II - the development of social concepts
  • social cognition III - the development of morality and ideology
  • the development of affect
  • children and mass communications
  • social development and social structure I - schooling
  • social development and social structure II - puberty, adolescence and culture
  • social development and social structure III - adjustment through the lifespan.

: pbk ISBN 9780631148296


This book is the first to synthesise this exciting new area for undergraduates. Taking a topic-based approach, it emphasises the social contexts of development and the developmental aspects of social reasoning and social behaviour.


1. Introduction. 2. Social Life and Infancy. 3. Attachment to Others. 4. Family and Peers. 5. The Development of Gender. 6. Language Development I: Origins and Course. 7. Language Development II: Social Dimensions of Acquisition and Use. 8. The Development of Non-verbal Communication. 9. Social Cognition I: Understanding the Social World. 10. Social Cognition II: Social Reasoning and Societal Knowledge. 11. Social Cognition III: Social Interaction and Cognitive Development. 12. The Development of Aggression. 13. The Development of Prosocial Behaviour. 14. Moral Development. 15. Adolescence I: Transitions. 16. Adolescence II: Entering the Adult World. 17. Adolescence III: Problems. 18. Adulthood I: Development, Relationships and Roles. 19. Adulthood II: Middle Age and the Later Years.

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  • ISBN
    • 0631148280
    • 0631148299
  • LCCN
  • 出版国コード
  • タイトル言語コード
  • 本文言語コード
  • 出版地
    Cambridge, Mass.
  • ページ数/冊数
    lvi, 776 p.
  • 大きさ
    25 cm
  • 分類
  • 件名