Computational models and systems


Computational models and systems

edited by Paul McKevitt

(Integration of natural language and vision processing, v. 1)

Kluwer Academic Publishers, c1995

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 20



"Reprinted from Artificial intelligence review volume 8, nos. 2-3 and 5-6, 1994-1995."

Includes bibliographical references



Although there has been much progress in developing theories, models and systems in the areas of Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Vision Processing (VP) there has heretofore been little progress on integrating these subareas of Artificial Intelligence (AI). This book contains a set of edited papers addressing computational models and systems for the integration of NLP and VP. The papers focus on site descriptions such as that of the large Japanese $500 million Real World Computing (RWC) project, on historical philosophical issues, on systems which have been built and which integrate the processing of visual scenes together with language about them, and on spatial relations which appear to be the key to integration. The U.S.A., Japan and the EU are well reflected, showing up the fact that integration is a truly international issue. There is no doubt that all of this will be necessary for the InformationSuperHighways of the future.


  • Editorial. The Real World Computing Program
  • R. Oka. An Investigation into the Common Semantics of Language and Vision
  • S.O. Nuallain, A.G. Smith. Hierarchical Labelling for Integrating Images and Words
  • R. Oka. Quantitative Perceptual Representation of Prepositional Semantics
  • P. Olivier, Jun-ichi Tsujii. From Vision to Multimodal Communication: Incremental Route Descriptions
  • W. Maass. VIsual TRAnslator: Linking Perceptions and Natural Language Descriptions
  • G. Herzog, P. Wazinski. A Vision of `Vision and Language' Comprises Action: an Example from Road Traffic
  • H.-H. Nagel. What You Say is What You See - Interactive Generation, Manipulation and Modification of 3-D Shapes Based on Verbal Descriptions
  • Y.A. Tijerino, et al. Towards an American Sign Language Interface
  • B. Dorner, E. Hagen. Integrating Natural Language Understanding with Document Structure Analysis
  • S.L. Taylor, et al.

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