Foundations and applications of possibility theory : proceedings of FAPT '95 : Ghent, Belgium, 13-15 December 1995



Foundations and applications of possibility theory : proceedings of FAPT '95 : Ghent, Belgium, 13-15 December 1995

editors, Gert de Cooman, Da Ruan, Etienne E. Kerre

(Advances in fuzzy systems : applications and theory, vol. 8)

World Scientific, c1995

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 12



Includes bibliographical references and index



Since the inception of possibility theory in 1978, theoretical advances have established it as an important field of research. FAPT'95 is the first international conference specifically dealing with possibility theory in its own right.This book contains the full versions of the papers presented at FAPT'95, and is divided into two logical parts. The first part deals with foundational issues, including measure-theoretical and logical aspects of possibility theory, the relation between possibility theory and other uncertainty models, the relation between possibility theory and fuzzy set theory, and the semantics of possibility theory.The second part focusses on applications of possibility theory, more particularly in such fields as computational intelligence, fuzzy control, qualitative utility theory, database and knowledge-based systems technology, image recognition, and reliability.


  • Mathematical foundations of possibility theory
  • measure-theoretic aspects of possibility theory
  • logical aspects of possibility theory
  • possibility theory in systems science - possibilistic (or fuzzy) systems and processes, possibilistic (of fuzzy) automata
  • the relation between possibility and other uncertainty models such as probability, plausibility and belief functions, etc.
  • the relation between possibility and fuzzy sets
  • practical applications of possibility theory in any field, and especially in energy production, environmental science, safety and reliability. (Part Contents).

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