The Gospel according to John


The Gospel according to John

Leon Morris

(The new international commentary on the New Testament)

W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., c1995

Rev. ed

  • : hdc.
  • : hrc


Bible. N.T. John

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 8



Includes bibliographical references and indexes



Recognizing the central importance of the Fourth Gospel in any series on the New Testament, Morris devoted more than ten years to preparing this volume. Written with considerable acumen and a thorough knowledge of the previous scholarly work on the Johannine text, The Gospel according to John is one of the largest and most comprehensive commentaries ever to come out of the evangelical community. This revised edition includes significant modifications and additions made in the light of more recent writings on John's Gospel. While maintaining substantially the same stance taken in his original work, Morris here references important secondary sources and studies that have appeared over the last two decades. The commentary is now also based on the New International Version.

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