The politics of pain : torturers and their masters


    • Crelinsten, Ronald D.
    • Schmid, Alex Peter


The politics of pain : torturers and their masters

edited by Ronald D. Crelinsten and Alex P. Schmid

(Series on state violence, terrorism, and human rights)

Westview Press, c1995

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 5



Includes bibliographical references and index



Although a wave of democratization appears to be sweeping the globe, torture persists in more than 75 nations. This volume brings together an international group of human-rights scholars to examine the psychological, cultural and social origins of torture.


  • Introduction - the politics of pain, Ronald D. Crelinsten and Alex P. Schmid
  • torturers and their masters, Pieter H. Kooijmans
  • the social context of torture - policy process and authority structure, Herbert C. Kelman
  • in their own words - the world of the torturer, R.D. Crelinsten
  • the military, torture and human rights - experiences from Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Uruguay, Wolfgang S. Heinz
  • torture - psychological and social origins, Ervin Staub
  • Somoza's national guard - a study of human-rights abuses, psychological health and moral development, Federico Allodi
  • the official torturer - a learning model for obedience to the authority of violence, Mika Haritos-Fatouros.

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