The principles and practice of diagnostic immunology


    • Normansell, David E.


The principles and practice of diagnostic immunology

David E. Normansell

(Analytical techniques in clinical chemistry and laboratory medicine)

VCH, c1994

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 6



Includes bibliographical references and index



This text details the art and science of diagnostic immunology. Focusing on laboratory practice, it provides: detailed coverage of procedures and techniques; comprehensive description of diagnostic immunology; explanation of methods and theories involved; full interpretation of the results; clinical correlations and rational for use of these tests; and problem-solving suggestions. It also covers what to do when the tests don't work. The book is aimed at: immunologists; students in medicine; and medical laboratories.


  • Protein Chemistry and the Humoral Immune System: Electrophoresis Techniques, Quantitation Techniques, Algorithm for Serum Protein Analysis, Blotting Techniques, Staining Procedures
  • The Cellular Arm of the Immune Response: In vivo Tests, Cell Function Studies
  • Specific Immune Responses to Infectious Agents: Tests Procedures Used, Monoclonal Antibodies, Nucleic Acid Probes, Specific Infectious Diseases
  • Immune Responses to Autologous Antigens: Non-Organ Specific Autoimmune Diseases, Organ-Specific Autoimmune Diseases
  • Deficiencies of the Immune System: Primary Immune Deficiencies, Secondary Immune Deficiencies, The Evaluation of Immune Status
  • Transplantation and the HLA System: Class I MHC Antigens, Class 11 MHC Antigens, Specifity Nomenclature, Class III MHC Antigenes, Assay Procedures, Mixed Lymphocyte Culture for HLA-D Typing, HLA and Disease Associations
  • Tumour Immunity: Tumour Antigens, The Immune Responses to Tumors
  • Hypersensitivity and the IgE Response: Immediate Hypersensitivity Reactions, IgE Levels and Measurement, The Low Affinity IgE Receptor, Allergens.

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