The economic development of the Netherlands since 1870


The economic development of the Netherlands since 1870

edited by Jan Luiten van Zanden

(The economic development of modern Europe since 1870, 7)

E. Elgar Pub. Co., c1996

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 51



Includes bibliographical references and index

"An Elgar reference collection"



The articles in this volume give a balanced picture of the main debates of Dutch economic history after 1870: the slow industrialization in the nineteenth century, the protracted character of the depression of the 1930s; the 'Dutch miracle' of 1950 to 1973 and the 'Dutch disease' of the 1970s and 1980s. Some eminent contributions to these debates have been translated here in to English for the first time.


Contents: Introduction 1. Backward, Late or Different?: Aspects of the Economic Development of the Netherlands in the 19th Century 2. The Role of the Outer Provinces in the Process of Dutch Economic Growth in the 19th Century 3. Industrialization and Economic Growth in the Netherlands during the Nineteenth Century: An Integration of Recent Studies 4. Long-Term Trends in Income and Wealth Inequality in the Netherlands 1808-1940 5. The Economic Relationship Between the Netherlands and Colonial Indonesia, 1870-1940 6. The Dance Round the Gold Standard: Economic Policy in the Depression of the 1930s 7. Interwar Unemployment in the Netherlands 8. Sinecures or Sinews of Power? Interlocking Directorships and Bank-Industry Relations in the Netherlands, 1910-1940 9. The Dutch Economic Miracle 10. The Economic Development of the Netherlands and Belgium and the 'Success' of the Benelux, 1945-1958 11. Economic Crisis and Economic Policy in the Thirties and Seventies 12. The Vintage Approach to Output and Employment Growth in the Netherlands, 1921-1976 13. Dating Postwar Business Cycles in the Netherlands, 1948-1976 Index

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