21st-century electronic projects for a new age


21st-century electronic projects for a new age

Delton T. Horn

TAB Books, c1992

1st ed

  • hc
  • pb


Twenty-first-century electronic projects for a new age

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 1



Includes index



What is the New Age? Where did it come from? Where is it going? Is it utter nonsense, or a gateway to exciting new levels of knowledge and human potential?. Finally how can high technology - electronics, for example - be used to study it? Delton T. Horn tackles these intriguing questions in his latest book for electronics hobbyists. "21st-century Electronic Projects" takes a look at high-tech devices used to investigate such New Age activities and phenomenon as meditation, hypnosis, biofeedback, ESP, air ionization, biorhythms, and Kirlian photography. This book not only examines these topics objectively, it also provides actual experiments readers can use to test the concepts and theories underlying New Age beliefs. Projects include sound and light devices to induce altered states of consciousness, a brain wave monitor, special equipment for photographing aurus and colour bands - even a negative ion generator, alone worth the price of the book. Delton T. Horn is the author of "Home Remote-Control and Automation Projects".

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