World musics in education


World musics in education

edited by Malcolm Floyd

Scolar Press, c1996

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 13



Includes bibliographical references and index



Music Educators are increasingly facing the need for greater awareness and understanding of the musics of the world, and are often looking for guidance as to the best ways of approaching this task with a degree of authority, authenticity and suitability. This book addresses such concems. It considers the validity of including other world musics in already full curricula and the role music may play in the wider intercultural element of school policies. It looks at the way other countries approach these issues and assesses the experiences and practices of several schools. Suggestions are made for organising workshops and for planning work with visiting musicians, and several examples are reviewed. Finally it surveys materials available for schools and colleges, gives an international overview of courses currently available at Tertiary Institutions and outlines current research being undertaken in British colleges and universities.

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