Diachrony within synchrony : language history and cognition : papers from the international symposium at the University of Duisburg, 26-28 March 1990


Diachrony within synchrony : language history and cognition : papers from the international symposium at the University of Duisburg, 26-28 March 1990

Günter Kellermann, Michael D. Morrissey (eds.)

(Duisburger Arbeiten zur Sprach- und Kulturwissenschaft = Duisburg papers on research in language and culture, Bd. 14)

P. Lang, c1992


Diachrony within synchrony

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 11



Includes bibliographical references and index



The articles in this collection are centred around the question of what can be meant by assuming that change is a property of language. Either from general points of view, or in the light of specific examples, the following main topics are discussed: language use and language change as interrelated manifestations of human cognition; the directionality of linguistic development; the predictability of language change; methods of semantic reconstruction; aims of explaining language change and restrictions in doing so; the relationship between cognitive linguistics and philology.


  • Contents: Explaining language change: Problems and proposals. Language change from cognitive points of view
  • relevant examples of phonetic change, of diachronic morphology and syntax, and of diachronic lexical semantics.

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